14.1 Visibility mechanisms

Here we introduce some language mechanisms that may be used to separate the representative elements from the non-representative elements. The language elements are called access modifiers and they may specify the accessibility of attributes of an object. Access modifiers define the scope and visibility of these attributes in the code. This means that the programmer may specify to what extent a local data-item, method or class may be accessed in other parts of the code.

The most common types of access modifiers are public, private, and protected, but some languages support more as is the case for qBeta (see below). Each access modifier provides different levels of access.


As a first example, we will show how to use the access modifier %private to protect balance and interestRate of Account objects:

class Account(owner: var String):
   addInterest: -"-
   deposit(amount: var float): -"-
   withdraw(amount: var float) -> newB: var float: -"-
   getBalance -> bal: var float: -"-
   getInterestRate -> iRate: var float: ...
   setInterestRate(iRate: var float): ...
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float

The access modifier %private before the declarations of balance and interestRate specfies that balance and interestRate may only be accessed within class Account.

Representative and non-representative parts of models in the bank domain


When using %private in class Account as above, no other classes or objects may acces balance and interestRate. However, this may be inconvenient for subclasses of Account like SavingsAccount, where we may add methods that manipulate these attributes.

The access modifier %protected may be used to specify that some attributes may only be accessed within a class and its subclasses.

We may thus revise class Account as follows:

class Account:
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float
class SavingsAccout: Account
   -- balance and interestRate may now be accessed here
aClerk: obj
   -- balance and interestRate may not be accessed


For completeness, the access modifier %public may be used to specify that some attributes are visible outside the object-descriptor. However, %public is default in qBeta – if no access modifier is specified for some attributes they are visible outside the object-descriptor. Sometimes it may be useful to use %public if one prefer to have e.g. the private attributes appearing before the ones that are public. This is the case for the version of class Account below:

class Account:
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float
   addInterest: -"-

Here balance and interestRate are declared in the beginning as %protected followed by the methods of the class – these are thus explicitly declared as %public.

%package_boundary and %package

This section is a reference section, which may be skipped during a first reading. So far we have no examples using the package access modifiers, but one will be given in section mkRef("Modules").

A package is a self-contained collection of modules that consist of a top module with local modules where each local module may contain local modules, etc. The access modifier %package_boundary defines the top module of the package – being the module where %package_boundary is placed.

The access modifier %package may be used to specify that some attributes are only visible in modules within the current package where the current package is defined by the nearest enclosing module with a %package_boundary modifier and its local modules, etc.

Summary of access modifiers

In this section we summarize the description of access modifiers – we use the following sketchy example:

class T:
   x: var integer
   y: var integer
   l: obj Set(integer)
   z: var integer
   s: ref Person
   v: var real

The class T is specified using the access modifiers %public, %private, %protected, and %domain.

An access modifier applies to all the attributes following the modifier, up to the next access modifier.

The next example shows a usage of class T where we have a T-object:

r: obj T
-- The access modifiers specify if we may acces the attributes
-- r.x, r.y, r.z, r.v, ...

In the next example, we have a subclass TT of T:

class TT: T
   -- Here the access modifiers above also specify if we may access
   -- x, y, z, v, ...


The access modifier %public specifies that one or more attributes are accessible from outside the object-descriptor where it is declared.

In the above examples x and m may be accessed via r.x, r.m(...) and as x an m(...) in the subclass TT of T.


The access modifier %private specifies that one or more attributes may only be accessed within the object-descriptor where they are declared.

This means that r.y and r.l are not legal and that y and l may not be accessed in the subclass TT.


The access modifier %protected is like %private except that the attributes may be accessed in subclasses of the class where they are declared.

This means that z and s may not be accessed via r.z and r.s but may be accessed in all subclasses of T.

Package_boundary and package

The access modifier %package_boundary specifies the top module of a package and %package specifies that one or more attributes are visible in the enclosing package.

TopModule: obj
   Module_A: obj
      foo: ...
   Module_B: obj
      bar: ...

The attributes foo and bar are visible in TopModuleModule_A, and Module_B.


If no access modifier is specified, the default is %public.