8.4 A travel booking system
In the following we show another example using subclasses and virtual methods by making a model of elements of a travel agency that helps people making bookings.
There are many kinds of bookings; however in this example we cover a subset: travel bookings like flight bookings, and train bookings, bookings of hotel, and bookings of roundtrips. Some of them can be done via the internet, while others, like roundtrips, may require help from a travel agent.
#XXXz { width: 35%; padding-left: 15px; margin-left: 15px; float: right; background-color: lightgray; font-size: 0.85rem; }In the examples below, we use a number of auxiliary classes that are not specified, and as usual, this is indicated by ...
The experience from the account example tells us that all these different types of booking have properties in common. This is modeled by a class Booking
with all the common properties, like booking reference, reservation date, customer, handling agent and the last day of cancellation. The different types of bookings are then defined as subclasses of Booking
class Booking(bookingRef: var String):
reservationDate: var Date
customer: ref Person
agent: ref Employee
lastCancelDate: var Date
class Person: ...
class Employee: ...
is a string that uniquely identifies the booking. It is issued by e.g. the airline company and typically has to be used in order to cancel a booking.
Note that reservationDate
represents the date at which the booking is made at the travel agency, not e.g. the departure date for a travel booking.
For all bookings there are three activities: register the booking in a booking register of the travel agency, confirm the booking, and cancel the booking.
Assuming that the travel agency keeps a register of bookings:
bookingRegister: obj Set(Booking)
the following action of Booking
inserts the booking in this register:
class Booking:
Statements in a class description, as the method call above, are executed when a Booking
object is generated.
Cancelling a booking is not the same for all types of bookings. This is reflected by defining the method cancel
as a virtual method: :
class Booking:
if (today > lastCancelDate) :then
console.print("cancellation not possible")
However, there are some common things to be done for every type of cancellation, and that is specified in cancel
, e.g. that cancellation is not possible after the last cancellation date, and that cancellation amounts to remove the booking from the bookingRegister
The special things to be done for the different types of bookings is represented by inner(cancel)
, e.g. that the carriers or the hotel has to be informed that the booking has been cancelled.
The method confirm
also depends on which type of booking to confirm, so that has to be defined specifically for each subclass of Booking
. This is indicated by defining confirm
as a virtual method. Even though it has to be defined specifically for each subclass of Booking
, there are some common actions of confirm
, and these are described as part of the virtual method:
class Booking:
confirm -> confirmText: var String:<
confirmText:= "Booking " + bookingRef + ":" '\n'
confirmText := confirmText + "has been confirmed" + '\n'
The confirm
method computes a text that consist of the details of the Booking
. This text is returned by confirm in the variable confirmText
Common to all bookings is that the confirmation text has the same text around the details of the actual booking. Execution of inner
implies the execution the statements of the confirm of the given subclass, and this will add the detailed text of the confirmText
. This implies that the special confirm methods in different subclasses are extensions of the actions of the virtual method confirm.
The travel agent may decide how to use the confirmation text: to print it for off-line checking, include it in a travel document, or send it by email to the customer.
A typical scenario in this example is that the travel agency is asked to find a travel from a city (origin) to another city (destination), be it by air or by train.
A TravelBooking
object therefore has an origin
and destination
class TravelBooking: Booking
origin, destination: ref City
departureDate: var Date
confirmText := confirmText +
"from " + origin.name + "to " + destination.name '\n' +
"at " + departureDate
We do not go into details about City
, we simply assume that it is represented by an instance of of class City
class City:
name: var String
The agency handles two types of travel bookings, and these are represented by two subclasses of TravelBooking
. In addition to origin
and destination
, these include the fact that cities may have more than one airport and often have more than one train station. At this point do not include details about flight or train routes with row and seat of the booking. We will later introduce a model of flight routes and flights.
class FlightBooking: TravelBooking
fromAirport, toAirport: ref Airport
theCarrier: ref Airline
confirmText := confirmText +
"from " + fromAirport.name + "to " + toAirport.name '\n'
class TrainBooking: TravelBooking
fromStation, toStation: ref TrainStation
theCarrier: ref TrainCompany
confirmText := confirmText +
"from " + fromStation.name + "to " + toStation.name '\n'
As above, this assumes the following classes:
class Airport:
name: var String
class TrainStation:
name: var String
None of these classes, except Flight
, are described in this book. Class Flight
is defined in section mkRef("Flight example").
Objects of class HotelBooking
represent bookings of stays at a hotel. They have properties like thehotel
: a reference to an object representing the hotel, room
: the room number, arrivalDate
, and noOfNights
class HotelBooking: Booking
theHotel: ref Hotel
arrivalDate: var Date
room: var Integer
noOfNights: var Integer
confirmText := confirmText +
"at " + theHotel.name '\n' +
"from " + arrivalDate + noOfNights " nights" '\n'
This assumes a class Hotel
with at least a name
class Hotel:
name: var String
addr: obj Adresss
Class Address
is not specified here, but a version of it is defined in section mkRef("Adressable aspect").
The following diagram illustrates the hierarchy of Booking

The following is a sketch of the sequence of actions that has to be performed in order to make a FlightBooking
, triggered somehow by an agent, given actual values of the following items:
theCustomer: ref Person
origin: ref City,
destination: ref City,
from, to: ref Airport,
departureDate: var Date
Finding a carrier that has flights from origin to destination cities is done by invoking a method findAirlineCarrier
airlineCarrier: ref Airline
airlineCarrier := findAirlineCarrier(origin, destination)
We do not provide the details of findAirlineCarrier
findAirlineCarrier(origin, destination: ref City) -> carrier: ref Airline:
Next a flight is booked by invoking bookFlight
of airlineCarrier
, providing a booking reference:
bookingRef: var String
bookingRef := airlineCarrier.bookFlight(from, to, departureDate)
The method bookFlight
has this signature:
bookFlight(from, to: ref Airport, departureDate: var Date)-> bookingRef: var String:
Given the value of bookingRef
it is now possible to generate a FlightBooking
booking: ref FlightBooking
booking := FlightBooking(bookingRef)
booking.customer := theCustomer
booking.carrier := theCarrier
booking.origin := origin
To complete the example, we need to represent waggon and seat number for train reservation and row and seat number for flight reservations. We return to this in section mkRef("Self-constrained virtual class").
Bookings of round trips is where the travel agents really come into play. A round trip is not a special type of booking, but rather consist of a list of bookings. A roundtrip is based on an itinerary that either is presented by the customer as the desired/planned journey, or is worked out in a cooperation between the customer and a travel agent. As a round trip in this example includes both travel bookings and hotel bookings, a round trip is represented by an object of the class RoundTrip
. The trip is an ordered list of bookings, i.e. not just a set, as there is a sequence of travels and hotel stays.
class RoundTripBooking:
plan: ref Itinerary
trip: obj OrderedList(Booking)
class Itinenary: