13.3 Other issues in parallel programming
As mentioned, parallel programming is a complicated and tricky endeavour and there are many pitfalls in practicing parallel programming. This is due to the fact that a complex system with many parallel activities is difficult to grasp and the state-of-art of methods, techniques and programming languages is not that well developed. We strongly advise readers of the book to take one or more courses in parallel programming before starting to practice it. Below we touch upon some of the issue of parallel programming, which may be taken as a starting point.
Critical regions
One common problem with parallel programming is to avoid that two or more parallel objects access the same resources at the same time since this may lead to an undefined result. A resource in this sense may be data stored in other objects often referred to as shared objects. It may also be external devices like the console object that prints strings in a window on the screen.
The statements of a parallel object accessing shared objects is often referred to as a critical region or critical section. The situation where two or more parallel objects access the same shared objects implying an undefined result is referred to as a race condition as introduced in section mkRef("A simple search system").
The term mutual exclusion is a property of parallel programming that is introduced in order to prevent race conditions. Mutual exclusion must ensure that a parallel object never enters a critical region while another parallel object is in a critical region modifying the same shared data and/or using a shared resource like a console.
The next example shows a program with shared objects, critical regions and a situation with a race condition:
raceSystem: obj BasicSystem
N: var integer <<< shared data
P1: obj BasicProcess
N := N + 1 <<< critical region
P2: obj BasicProcess
N := N + 2 <<< critical region
N := 10
The variable N
is an example of data shared between the parallel objects P1
and P2
. P1
and P2
both update the value of N
and since this may happen at the same time, the resulting value of N
is undefined. At the end of the program the value of N
may be one of 11, 12 or 13.
This is due to the fact that execution of an assignment like N := N + 1
by P1
is not an atomic operation in the sense that P2
may access N
while P1
is executing N := N + 1
. Execution of N := N + 1
takes place in a number of steps as shown below:
R: var integer
R := N
R := R + 1
N := R
reads the value to a a variable R
, which in practice may be a register of the core unit executing P1
. It then increments R
and stores the value of R
back into N
Execution of N := N + 1
takes place in a similar way and this may be lead to the following scenario:
P1.R := N
P2.R := N
P2.R := P2.R + 2
N := P2.R <<< now N = 12
P1.R := P1.R + 1
N := P1.R <<< P1 overrides the value of N and now N = 11
In this scenario the resulting value of N
is 11. The above statements may be interleaved in a number of other ways leading to different results as mentioned above.
In order to avoid the race conditions, the critical regions must be protected by mutual exclusion and this might be done by declaring N
within a Monitor
-object and defining methods for updating N
With respect to accessing shared objects, there is a difference between parallel objects reading the values of shared objects without modifying the shared objects, and writing new values into shared objects. It is in general harmless to have multiple parallel objects reading shared objects at the same time. If, however, a parallel object is writing into and thus modifying a shared object, the mutual exclusion mechanism should ensure that no other parallel objects are reading or writing the shared objects since this may lead to race conditions.
Parallel objects reading shared objects are often referred to as readers and those writing shared objects as writers. The problem of handling multiple readers and at most one reader is called the readers-writers problem.
In section 8.1, the searcher
-objects store matching records
during search in the Set
-object matches
. Here the critical sections are the statement matches.insert(P)
. The object matches
is an example of a shared object, and since it is encapsulated in the collector
-object, which is a Monitor
, mutual exclusion is guaranteed when the searcher
-objects access matches
The records
-object used by the searcher
-objects in the same section ois also an example of a shared objects. Here multiple searcher
-objects may access records
at the same time, but since they only read data and do not modify the objects, this is safe and does not lead to race conditions.
This is, however, at the risk of the programmer. The code in the example might as well modify the records without the compiler of the language complaints. In general, it is a great advantage if the language mechanisms guarantees mutual exclusion.
As mention, the monitor is one language mechanism that may be used to ensure mutual exclusion. Below we will mention some of the most common mechanism used in mainstream programming languages.
High-level synchronization
In a previous section, we have introduce monitors as an example of a high-level synchronisation and communication abstraction. There are many other examples of such high-level abstractions and here we will give one more example.
A common form of communication between parallel processes is message-passing where a process may send a message directly to another process. The form of a message varies depending on the system, library, and/or language being used. A message may be a text, a reference to an object, or a value. For the difference between reference to an object and a value, see the Chapter Objects and Values.
Another difference between message-passing systems is whether or not the ‘sending of the message’ is synchronous or asynchronous just as it differs what sending of message actually means.
In this book, sending of a message is defined as invocation of method of a parallel object. In general, a method invocation is synchronous in the sense that the invoker of the method is blocked (waits) until the message has been executed by the receiver whereafter it returns to the invoker.
In systems with parallel objects, synchronous method invocation may imply that a calling parallel object may wait unnecessarily for a method to be executed by the receiver. For this reason, so-called asynchronous method invocations may be used.
In asynchronous method invocations, the method object is usually inserted into a queue at the receiving object, and the receiver then executes the method objects from the queue. The exact way of how this is done varies from system to system.
Here we will use as an example, a simple asynchronous message passing system where each method object is inserted in a queue at the receiver, which then executes them in the order they arrive.
We use a variant of the search example from section mkRef("A simple search system"); where the searcher
-objects send a matching Person
record directly to the printer
-object and not via a Monitor
asynchSystem: obj SimpleAsynchSystem
records: obj IndexedRef(100,Person)
search(first: var integer, last: var integer):
current: ref Person
for (first) :to(last):repeat
if ((18 <= records.get[inx].age)
&& (records.get[inx].age <= 24)) :then
current := records.get[inx]
Person(name: ref String, age: var integer):
Searcher: Process
searcherA: obj Searcher("SearcherA")
searcherB: obj Searcher("SearcherB")
searcherC: obj Searcher("SearcherC")
printer: obj Process("Printer")
add(P: ref Person): entry
console.print("Found: " + P.name + ",age: " + P.age + "\n")
Note that the class Process
used as a superclass in this example is not the same as the one in section mkRef("A simple search system");, which is defined as a local class of BasicSystem
whereas the one used here is a local class of SimpleAsynchSystem
A Process
-object in this system has a queue of waiting method objects. When a searcher
-object executes printer.add(current)
, the add
-object is inserted in the queue of the printer
. The printer
repeatedly checks if there is a method object in the queue, and if one is found, it is executed. The checking of the queue is defined in the Process
class of which printer
is subclassed.
As mentioned, there are many proposals for high-level communication and synchronisation abstractions and they have many variants. This may be due to the fact that different problems require different mechanisms and no mechanisms have turned out to be dominant.
Low-level synchronization
The monitor and asynchronous method passing are examples of a high-level synchronisation mechanisms. Most mainstream language include what we characterise as low-level synchronization mechanisms. In this section, we describe some of these.
One example of a is a lock. The idea is that a parallel object has to acquire a given lock before entering a critical region. In the example below, we use a lock to ensure mutual access to the global integer variable N
from the above example:
raceSystem: obj BasicSystem
mutex: obj Lock -- declaration of a lock
N: var integer -- shared data
P1: obj BasicProcess
mutex.wait --- wait until the lock is free
N := N + 1 --- critical region
mutex.signal --- signal that the lock is released
P2: obj BasicProcess
N := N + 2 --- critical region
N := 10
We have extended the example with a lock declared by mutex: obj Lock
. Each parallel object P1
, and P2
, executes a mutex.wait
before incrementing N
. If the Lock
, mutex
is free, it becomes locked and the process may enter the critical regions and modify N
. After this, execution of mutex.signal
releases the Lock
and if some other process is waiting for the Lock
, it may obtain it and enter the critical region.
If more than one process is waiting, they may obtain the Lock
in the order of which they tried to acquire it or one is picked randomly. This depends on how the Lock
is implemented.
Another example of a low-level synchronisation mechanism is the semaphore. A semaphore has an associated integer variable. The variable is initialised with a (positive) integer value. Like a Lock
, it has methods wait
and signal
The wait
-method decrements the value and if it becomes negative, the executing process is blocked until the value becomes zero. The signal
method increments the value.
There are two variants of a semaphore, a binary semaphore and a counting semaphore. For a binary semaphore, the value may be either 0 or 1. A binary semaphore is thus similar to a lock.
A counting semaphore may be used to manage a pool of shared resources. Suppose you live in community that have 10 bicycles to be shared between people in the community. You may synchronise access to these bicycles using a counting semaphore:
myCommunity: obj BasisSystem
bicyclePool: obj CountingSemaphore(10)
P1: obj BasicProcess
bicyclePool.wait -- wait for a free bicycle
-- take a free bicycle
bicyclePool.signal -- return the bicycle
P2: obj BasicProcess
The myCommunity
object has a CountingSemaphore
object, bicyclePool
, initialized to the value 10 representing the availability of 10 bicycles. A parallel object like P1
that wants to obtain a bicycle executes the method bicyclePool.wait
. For each such invocation, the associated integer is decremented by one and it if becomes zero, the process has to wait. In this way up to 10 processes can obtain a bicycle. When a process has finished using a bicycle it must return it and execute a bicyclePool.signal,
which increments the associated integer.
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to rewrite the search
-example to use locks and/or semaphores.
It is in general more safe to use a high-level synchronisation mechanism like a monitor than the above low-level mechanisms. Using locks and semaphores, a programmer may forget to invoke a wait
– or signal
-method, in which case race-conditions may appear. There is no way the language and compiler can guarantee that no such errors are made.
Common challenges in parallel programming
In this section, we mention some of the problems that often arise in parallel programming.
A deadlock is a situation where a set of parallel objects are blocked because each object is holding a resource and waiting for another resource acquired by some other object.
As a real-life example, a deadlock may arise if two cars crossing a single-lane bridge from opposite directions and as long as none of the cars is willing to back, none of them can proceed.
As a programming example, we may use the bank system. If multiple clerks can make transactions on the accounts, one needs to synchronize acces to accounts. This can be done by introducing a lock for each account:
JohnSmithsAccount: obj Account("John Smith")
JohnSmitLock: obj Lock
lizaJonesAccount: obj Account("John Smith")
LizaJonesLock: obj Lock
A clerk, clerkA
, may need to transfer money from JohnSmithsAccount
to LizaJonesAccount
, and to do this he/she needs to acquire the locks for these accounts:
clerkA: obj BasicProcess
transfer(500,JohnSmithsAccount, lizaJonesAccount)
Another clerk, clerkB
, may decide to transfer money from LizaJonesAccount
to JohnSmithsAccount
and thus acquire the locks:
clerkB: obj BasicProcess
A situation may thus arise where clerkA
has acquired JohnSmithLock and is waiting for LizaJonesLock
while at the same time, clerkB
has acquired LizaJonesLock
and is waiting for JohnSmithLock
. The implication of this is that the two clerks are waiting for each other to release a lock, but this cannot happen.
Starvation or resource starvation is a problem encountered where a parallel object is constantly denied the necessary resource to carry out its work. Starvation can be caused by errors in the algorithms scheduling the parallel objects and/or the synchronisation mechanism like lock, semaphore, monitor, etc.
For an algorithm in general, it is an important property that it can be validated that the algorithm actually terminates – i.e. finishes its computation. For sequential algorithms, this can be more or less difficult. For parallel algorithms it may be even more difficult since it may involve a more or less complicated protocol where the various parallel objects involved in the algorithm communicate to each other that the algorithm should terminate.
A system of parallel objects involves communication and synchronization between the objects and this gives an overhead compared to the core of the algorithm being computed. It is therefore necessary to be aware of the possible overhead when designing parallel systems.
Further reading/courses
We have previously said that in order to acquire the necessary skills to become a software developer, the reader must take a course in algorithms and data structures. To be able to develop parallel systems it is also necessary to take a course on parallel algorithms and data structures. This includes techniques to handle the above mentioned problems with deadlock, starvation, termination and overhead.