4.2 Array and for-loop
A customer may have more than one account. In this section, we extend class Customer
to keep track of the accounts of a given customer.
We may use class Set
for this purpose, but we use this example to introduce Array
, which is another common collection object. An Array
-object is an indexed sequence of references to objects where each reference in the sequence may be denoted by an integer index.

Accounts Array
Class Array
is defined as follows:
class Array(range: var integer, class ElmType:< Object):
put(R: ref ElmType):at[index: var integer]:
get(index: var integer) -> R: ref ElmType:
- The first parameter,
is the number of elements in theArray
. - The second paremeter,
, is the type of the elements in theArray
– similar toElmType
for classSet
. - It has a method
with two parametersR
. This method stores the reference at the position given by the value ofindex
. - It has a method
, which returns the reference stored at the position given by the parameterindex
. - As can be seen,
use another syntax for defining parameters than the one we have seen in previous examples using standard brackets and comma to separate the parameters. This syntax is explained in section mkRef("Using fat comma for specifying parameters") .
The following example shows how we may use an Array
-object, accounts
. Below we add accounts
as an attribute of class Customer
, but first we show how to use Array
by means of a ghost object.
aGhost1: obj
accounts: obj Array(3, Account)
anAccountA, anAccountB : ref Account
JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
anAccountA := Account(JohnSmithProfile)
anAccountB := accounts.get[2]
- The first item in the example above declares an
-object with 3 elements (the first parameter) of typeAccount
(the second parameter). - The statement
inserts theAccount
referred to byanAccountA
as the second element in the array. - The statement
anAccountB := accounts.get[2]
assigns the second element in the array to the referenceanAccountB
The situation at the end of aGhost1
is shown in the snapshot:

An index may in general be an expression that evaluate to an integer value as shown in the ghost object below:
aGhost2: obj
accounts: obj Array(3, Account)
anAccountA, anAccountB, anAccountC : ref Account
inx: var integer
... -- some code assigning references to anAccountA and anAccountB
inx := 1
accounts.put(anAccountB):at[inx + 1]
inx := 3
anAccountC := accounts.get[inx - 2]
- The object
has anArray
with 3 elements of typeAccount
, three reference variablesanAccountA
, and anAccountC
, and an integer variableinx
. - The three dots
stand for code not shown – see chapter mkRef("Notation");. - The variable
assigned the value 1. - The expression
assigns the reference hold byanAccountA
to element no. 1 inaccounts
, since the value ofinx
is 1. - The expression
accounts.put(anAccountB):at[inx + 1]
assigns the reference hold byanAccountB
to element no. 2 inaccounts
, since expressioninx + 1
has the value 2. - The statement
anAccountC := accounts.get[inx - 2]
assigns element no. 1 inaccounts
since expressioninx - 2
has the value 3 (asinx
is assigned the value 3 before the statement) –anAccountC
will thus refer to the same object asanAccountA
If the index expression is not within the range of the array – here 1-3, the program execution will be terminated (aborted) with an error message saying that there is an index error.
We may now extend class Customer
with an array keeping track of the accounts of the customer:
class Customer(name: var String):
addr: var String
email: var String
maxNoOfAccounts: val 10
noOfAccounts: var integer
accounts: obj Array(maxNoOfAccounts, Account)
In the example, we assume that a customer may have at most 10 accounts as represented by the constant integer value maxNoOfAcounts
. The integer variable noOfAccounts
holds the number of accounts of the customer. An integer variable like noOfAccounts
has initially the value 0 (zero).
Next we add a method addAccount
to class Customer
class Customer(name: var String):
addAccount(acc: ref Account):
noOfAccounts := noOfAccounts + 1
if (noOfAccounts <= maxNoOfAccounts) :then
console.print(“Cannot add Account”)
The method has a parameter acc
referring to the Account
to be added. An if:then:else
statement is used to test if it is possible to add an account or if the limit of the maximum number of accounts has been reached in which case a message is printed on the console.
The if:then:else
statement is similar to the if:then
statement as explained in section mkRef("Method returning a value"). The part after else is executed if the condition is false. For a more detailed description see section mkRef("Statements") on statements.
Next we add a method that calculates the sum of the balance on all accounts:
class Customer(name: var String):
balanceSum -> bal: var float:
for (1):to(noOfAccounts):repeat
bal := bal + accounts.get[inx].balance
The method makes use of a for-statement, for:to:repeat
– also called for-loop, that iterates through the elements of the array. For each value in the interval 1..noOfAccounts
, the statement bal := bal + accounts.get[inx].balance
is executed. The variable inx
has the value 1 in the first execution 2 in the second and so one and noOfAccounts
in the last execution. For a more detailed description see section mkRef("Statements");.
The complete new version of class Customer
is shown here:
class Customer(name: var String):
addr: var String
email: var String
maxNoOfAccounts: val 10
noOfAccounts: var integer
accounts: obj Array(maxNoOfAccounts,Account)
addAccount(acc: ref Account):
noOfAccounts := noOfAccounts + 1
if (noOfAccounts <= maxNoOfAccounts) :then
console.print(“Cannot add Account”)
balanceSum -> bal: var float:
bal := bal + accounts.get[inx].balance
Value Array
An Array
may also hold a collection of an indexed sequences of values. The following example shows the declaration of an Array holding integer values:
SQ: obj Array(5,integer)
This Array
may hold 5 integer
values. The name of the array is SQ
, which is an abbreviation of squares and the code below thus stores the square of the index of a given element in the Array
for (1):to(5):repeat
put(inx * inx):at[inx]
Array literal
An array literal is an expression for specifying an Array
The SQ
in the previous section, may thus be assigned an Array
object similar to the one computed by the above for:to:repeat
loop using an array literal:
SQ := (1,4,9,25)
The expression (1,4,9,25)
is an example of an array literal.
The next example shows the use of array literals for arrays holding references:
accounts: obj Array(3,Account)
acc1,acc2: ref Account
... -- statements assigning values to acc1 and acc2
accounts := (acc1, acc2, Account("Simon Jones"))
The array literal (acc1,acc2,Account("Simon Jones"))
creates an Array
object holding references to the Accounts
referred to by acc1
and acc2
and a reference to a new Acount
object generated by Account("Simon Jones")