25. Glossary
In this chapter, we shortly describe the main terms used in this book with references to the relevant sections in the book.
The rightmost column is supposed to contain a link to the part(s) of the book where the term is introduced. It is currently incomplete.
Term | Explanation | References |
Access modifiers | Supplementary properties that restrict access to attributes of an object including %public , %private , %protected , %package_boundary and %package . |
mkRef("Visibility mechanisms") |
Action | The accomplishment of creating/destroying physical phenomena and/or changing properties of physical phenomena in a domain. | |
Atomic operation | An operation that cannot be interrupted while it is being executed. | |
Active object | An object that performs computations of its own: a program object, a coroutine or parallel object. An object that includes statements that are executed as part of the generation of the object, is not considered an active object. | |
Activity | A partial ordered sequence of actions. | |
Attribute | A local data-item, method, or class of an object. | |
Attribute accessor | An expression that describes access to an attribute of a specific object. | mkRef("The first program") |
Actual parameter | If the formal parameter is a data-item, then an actual parameter is the value of an expression assigned to the formal parameter at the invocation of a method or instantiation of a class. If the formal parameter is a virtual method or virtual class, then an actual parameter is a binding of the virtual. |
Argument | Alternative term for actual parameter. | |
Class | A template for objects with identical structure. | mkRef("Classes") |
Class instantiation | The computation of generating an object from a class, and executing its statements. Similar to method invocation. |
Control structure abstraction, control abstraction |
Alternative term for a control method. | |
Control flow | The order in which the operations of a program are performed. It determines how a program moves from one operation to another based on the state of the objects. | |
Control structure | A statement that specifies the order of execution of other statements based on state of the objects and thus controls the control flow of a program. | |
Control structure method, Control method |
A method that defines a control structure. | |
Computation | A partial ordering of operations executed by a computer. | |
Coroutine | Shorthand for coroutine object | |
Coroutine object | An active object that represents an activity that may be suspended and later resumed at the point of suspension. | |
Data-item | A constant or variable object reference or value object. | |
Datum | A piece of information that may be a value or an object reference. | |
Declaration | A description of a constant or variable data-item, a class or a method in an object descriptor or method descriptor. | |
Derived | An object descriptor and class is said to be derived from its superclass. | |
Direct superclass | The direct superclass is the class from which the class/singular object is explicitly derived as specified in the object descriptor for the class/singular object | |
Expression | A description/syntactic element that describes a computation of a value. | |
Formal parameter | A formal parameter of a method or class may be a variable data-item or a virtual method or virtual class. Se also actual parameter. |
Function | A method that computes a value solely based on the values of its parameters. It does not read or modify data-items in its enclosing object or other objects. | |
Ghost object | An object that is used solely for the purpose of explaining a given programming language mechanism. | |
Identity | A physical phenomena has an identity. Physical phenomena are distinct which means that they have different identities. | mkRef("On representing phenomena") |
Inheritance | An alternative term for the subclass mechanism. | |
Item | A declaration or a statement in an object-descriptor. | |
Intrinsic object | An object that is a declared using obj , is generated as part of the generation of the object containing the declaration and exists during the lifetime of this object. |
Invoker | The object (class object or method object) executing the method invocation that generates a given method object – the invokee. | mkRef("Method details") |
Invokee | The method object being generated as part of a method invocation executed by an object or method object – the invoker. | mkRef("Method details") |
Mainpart | The items defined in an object-descriptor excluding the direct superclass. | |
Method | A template for computations with identical structure. | |
Method generation | The computation of generating a method object; includes generation of possible data-items and assignments of possible parameters. Similar to object generation. |
Method invocation | The computation of a method generation from a method description, followed by execution of its statements. Similar to object instantiation |
Material object | A singular object declared using obj or an instance of a class. |
Method object | An object created from a method. | |
Module | An object descriptor for a singular object that is organized in the qBetaWorld hierarchy and mapped to a folder and file in the filesystem. |
Object | Objects are the basic, physical entities that exist in computers; objects are the building blocks of computational processes. An object has variable and/or constant datums, intrinsic objects, classes, methods, and a computation part. A material objects has in addition an identity. A method objects does not have an identity. |
mkRef("Objects") |
Object-descriptor | A description of the structure of an object consisting of a possible superclass, and possible items. | |
Object generation | The computation of generating an object; includes generation of possible data-items and assignments of possible parameters. Similar to method generation. |
Object instantiation | The computation of an object generation from a object descriptor, followed by execution of its statements. Similar to method invocation. |
Object reference | A data-item that may hold a reference to an object. See also Reference. | |
Operation | An action executed by a computer. | mkRef("More on computers executing programs") |
Parallel object | An active object that executes actions in parallel with other parallel objects. | |
Parameter | Shorthand for formal parameter. See also actual parameter and argument. | |
Program | A module that is intended for execution. | |
Reference | Short-hand for object-reference. | |
Scope | The part of the qBetaWorld where a given name is visible. |
Singular object | An object that is one of its kind and not an instance of a class. | |
Singular method object | A method object that is one of its kind and not an instance of a method. | |
Statement | A description of an activity (action?) in an object-descriptor. | |
Structure | Shorthand for object structure. | |
Subclass | A class that is derived from another class – its direct superclass, and inherits attributes and statements from the superclass. | |
Superclass | A class from which other classes are derived. See also direct superclass. | mkRef("Common superclass") |
Submethod | A method that is derived from another method – its direct supermethod, and inherits attributes and statements from the supermethod. | |
Supermethod | A method from which other methods are derived. | |
Type | A concept that covers a class of values. This is a simplified defintion of a type intended for programming – the mathematical concept of a type is much more complicated and exists in different variants. | |
Value | A mathematical entity like a number, point, polygon, etc. | |
Value object | An object that is an instance of a subclass of class Value ; the object is embedded in a holding object and intended for representing a value. |
Value type | A class that is a subclass of class Value . See also Type. |