16.1 Implementing Lock and Semaphore

As mentioned, we need a basic synchronization mechanism in order to define both the low-level synchronization mechanisms and the high-level synchronization mechanisms.

In order to implement synchronization mechanisms, we rely on using an atomic operation. An operation is atomic if it cannot be interrupted while its is being executed. We have previously seen (section mkRef("Other issues in parallel programming");) that incrementing an integer like n := n + 1 is not an atomic operation. Reading a value is atomic, just as writing a value is atomic.

A common example of an atomic operation available on computers and accessible from a programming language is compare-and-swap. It compares the contents of a memory location with a given value and, only if they are the same, modifies the location to the given value. The operation returns a value that indicates if the operation succeeded.

Our programming language has a cmpAndSwap operation that may be applied to an integer. Suppose we have an integer variable mutex:

mutex: var integer

We may apply cmpAndSwap in the following way:

B: var Boolean
B := mutex.cmpAndSwap(v1,v2)

  • If mutex = v1, then nothing happens and cmpAndSwap returns true.
  • If mutex <> v1, then cmpAndSwap assigns v2 to mutex and returns false.
  • The execution of cmpAndSwap is atomic, i.e. the execution cannot be interrupted.

Suppose we want to use an integer variable to keep track of whether or not a parallel object is in a critical region. In th example below, the variable mutex may have the value 0 or 1. Zero (0) indicates that no other parallel objects in the critical regions, and one (1) indicates the opposite.

A parallel object attempting to reserve the mutex then repeatedly tries to write a one (1) to mutex until a zero is returned:

mutex: var integer
loop: do
   if (mutex.cmpAndSwap(1,1)) :then
      -- operation failed, try again
-- operation succeeded, enter critical region
mutex := 0

If a one is returned by cmpAndSwap, the mutex is busy and som other parallel object is in its critical region. If zero is returned the mutex is free and cmapAndSwap assigns it a one and enters it critical region.

Implementing Lock

We may now show how to implement the Lock class:

class Lock: 
    mutex: var integer
       loop: do 
          if (mutex.cmpAndSwap(1,1)) :then 
       mutex := 0
    mutex := 0

Class Lock has two method get and free. Get does the same as in the previous example, and free assigns zero to mutex.

Implementing Semaphore

Here we show how to implement a counting semaphore using a lock. Class Semaphore has the two methods wait and signal, and it has two private objects mutex and Q (short for Queue).

class Semaphore(cnt: var integer)
   -- Implementation of a counting semaphores
   -- cnt is the initial value of the semaphore
   -- requires: cnt > 0
      mutex.get -- attempt to get the Lock
      cnt := cnt - 1
      if (cnt < 0) :then
         disable -- is this needed?
      cnt := cnt + 1
      if(cnt <= 0) :then
         P := Q.removeNext
         P.mkActive -- P.wakeUp?
   mutex: obj Lock
   Q: obj OrderedList(GeneralProcess) 

The wait-method attempts to get the mutex. If it succeeds it decrements the counter cnt.

If cnt becomes less than 0, the Semaphore cannot grant more resources. It then inserts theActiveProcess into its local queue, releases the mutex and suspends execution. theActiveProcess is a predefined variable (so its declaration is not shown above) that refers to the current active Process.

If cnt is greater than or equal to zero, it just releases the mutex since there was at least one free resource.

The signal-method also attempts to get the mutex and if it succeeds it increments cnt.

If cnt is less than or equal to zero it means that some processes is waiting in the queue Q to get the lock. It thus removes the next element in Q and makes it active and releases the mutex.

if cnt is greater than zero, no processes are waiting to request a resource – it then just releases the mutex.