10.4 Scope rules
Objects may have attributes in the form of data-items, methods and/or classes. An attribute of an object has a name and the scope of such a name is the part of the program where the attribute may be directly accessed using the name. The name cannot be referred outside scope.
We have seen several examples of attributes being directly accessed in the code. For the withdraw
method in class Account
, it accesses the parameter amount
and data-item balance
in the enclosing Account
For the flight-example in section 6.2, we have seen that the method delay
accesses the data-item actualArrivalTime
in the enclosing Flight
-class and scheduledArrivalTime
in the Route
-class enclosing the Flight
The direct scope of a name of an attribute declaration is:
- the main-part of the object-descriptor (OD) containing the declaration
- all object-descriptors nested within OD
- all object-descriptors that directly or indirectly have OD as a super-descriptor.
The following figure illustrates this definition:
anObj: obj
x: var integer
class C:
y: var integer
z: var integer
-- x, y, and z may be accessed
-- anObj, C, D, and M1 may be accessed
-- a, b, and M2 cannot be accessed
class D:
a: var integer
b var: integer
-- x, x, and b may be accessed
-- anObj, C, D, and M2 may be accessed
-- y, z, and M1 cannot be accessed
Double declaration. There are a number of additional rules to be considered. One of these is that double declaration of the same name is forbidden within an object-descriptor:
anObj: obj
x: var integer
x: ref Person
The above code fragment is illegal since it contains two declarations of x
. This is independent of the kind of attribute being declared. The first x
is the name of an integer variable, the second x
is a reference to a Person
-object, but still it is illegal.
Redeclaration in a subclass. A subclass may not declare am attribute that has the same name as an attribute in a possible superclass:
class Super:
x: var integer
class Sub: Super
x: ref T
The declaration x: ref T
in class Sub
is illegal since the superclass Super
has an x
Name shadowing. An object-descriptor may declare an attribute, which has the same name as an attribute declared in an enclosing object-descriptor:
anObj: obj
x: var integer
class C:
y: var integer
x: var integer
-- x here is the x declared in M1, not the one in anObj
The declaration of x
in M1
shadows for the x
declared in the enclosing object-descriptor of anObj
. Name shadowing is often considered problematic in the sense that this can lead to confusion, as it may be unclear which name subsequent uses of the shadowed name refer to, especially in large programs. Name shadowing shall thus be used with care.
Local and global names. A name declared in an object-descriptor is a local name in the object-descriptor. Names declared in enclosing object-descriptors are called global names.
Formal parameters. The name of a formal parameter of a class or method is considered a local name of the associated object-descriptor.
Static/lexical scoping. The kind of scoping described here is called static scoping or lexical scoping. This refers to the fact that the scope of a name is a property of the program text since it is possible to figure out the scope of a name by looking at the program text only.
Dynamic scoping. There is also a form of scoping called dynamic scoping where the scoping of a name depends on the execution. It dates back to the first version of the Lisp-language, but few or no modern languages have dynamic scoping.
Remote scope
So far we have described the direct scope of a name, which is how a name may be accessed directly using just the name. If x
is a name, then the direct scope of x
is the object-descriptors where x
may be accessed by just writing x
A name x
may also be accessed by a remote name such as r.x
. Any object-descriptor that potentially may have a reference to an object described by the object-descriptor where x
is declared is in the remote scope of x
An example of this is attribute accessors like account_1010.deposit(100)
and account_1022.withdraw(200)
Here is another example of using attribute accessors :
class T:
x: var integer
r: obj T
s: ref T
s := r -- now s and r refer to the same object
r.x := 117 -- assign 117 to the x attribute of r
s.x := s.x + 1 -- increments the x attribute of s
-- which is the same as the x attribute of r
and s.x
are both remote names and in this case they refer to the same x
because r
and s
refer to the same T
Virtual methods and classes and dynamic dispatch
A virtual method or class may be further specified in subclasses/sub-descriptors. It is important to point out that such further specifications are not redeclaration/redefinition of the virtual attribute.
The actual virtual method invoked or actual virtual class instantiated by a virtual name is, however, first determined at run-time during program execution. Consider the example:
class Super:
class T:<
class SubA: Super
class T::<
class SubB: Super
class T::<
R: ref Super -- the static type of R is Super
R := SubA -- the dynamic type of R is now SubA
R := SubB -- the dynamic type of R is now SubB
Here we have a class Super
with two virtual attributes V
and T.
We have two subclasses of Super
, SuperA
and superB
which both contains bindings of V
and T
We have a reference variable R
that may refer to instances of Super
and to instances of subclasses of Super
. As the example indicates R
may at different places in the program refer to instances of SubA
or instances of SubB
A remote invocation R.V
instantiates the V
being further specified in SubA
or SubB
depending on whether R
refers to a SubA
– or SubB
-object. This is sometimes called dynamic dispatch.
The type Super
of R
from the declaration of R
is sometimes called the static type of R
since it can be read from the program text. Since R
may refer to instance of subtypes of Super
, the type of the object being referred to at given point during the program execution is sometimes called the dynamic type of R
. In the above example, the dynamic type may be either SubA
or SubB
as indicated in the above code sketch.
Restricting the scope of names
Sometime it may be desirable to restrict the scope (direct as well as remote) of a name. In chapter mkRef("Visibility mechanisms"), we introduce access modifiers as a mechanism for doing this.