19. Modules

In previous chapters, we have introduced language mechanisms for describing objects and classes of a qBeta program execution. In this chapter, language mechanisms for describing the organization of programs will be introduced. A non-trivial program will usually be large, so it is desirable to be able to split such a description into smaller, more manageable units. Such units are in general called modules. A module is a convenient part of a program typically kept in a file (or in a database), manipulated by an editor, and translated by a compiler.

Modularization is of the utmost importance when writing programs that are more than small examples. Since the examples must be fairly small in a book like this, it is difficult to adequately illustrate and motivate modularization. We are thus using very small examples to illustrate the principles. The modularization techniques described below are absolutely necessary for large programs and highly recommended even for moderately sized programs. The reasons for this may be summarized as follows:

  • Most reasonably sized programs can be conveniently split into modules of logically related elements, since it is cumbersome to handle large programs. Large programs are easier to understand if split into a number of smaller units.
  • When editing it is easier to manage a number of small modules instead of one large program.
  • When several people are working on a project, each person can work on his/her own set of modules.
  • Modules can be saved in a library and shared by several programs. Good modularization mechanisms will thus improve reusability of code as well as of designs.
  • A module must have a well-defined interface as discussed in mkRef("Representative and non-representative parts");. As discussed in mkRefTxt("Representative and non-representative parts","this chapter"); , this makes it possible to prevent users of a module from seeing details about data representation and implementation of algorithms.
  • Certain modules may exist in several variants. One example of this is different implementations of the same (interface) module. Another example is variants of a module corresponding to different computers. If a module has several variants it is important that the common part of two or more variants exists in only one copy. It should only be necessary to separate out the code that differs between variants, otherwise maintenance becomes complicated, since the same change may have to be made for several variants. In this version of the book, we do not discuss language mechanisms for supporting variants.
  • A module may be used as a unit to be separately compiled. When developing a program, it is in most cases a good idea to be able to try out even small changes in the program including if a given change may compile and works as expected. For this to work, the compiler must be fast enough to avoid breaks when waiting for the compiler. For small programs this is usually not a problem, but for very large programs, the compilation time may be long. When changing parts of a large program, it is not acceptable to be forced to recompile the whole program, since this may take several hours. For this reason, some language implementations make it possible to separately compile modules such that they do not have to be recompiled for changes not affecting these modules. With separate compilation of modules, only the modules that have been changed and those that are affected by these changes have to be recompiled. Below we explain how one module may be affected by changes in another. Separate compilation is not supported by the current implementation of qBeta, but compilation time should not be a problem for the program examples used in this book.

In qBeta, a module is a description of a singular object. A singular object generated from a module is called a module object. Modules are organized in a hierarchy of nested intrinsic module objects that follow the general mechanism of nesting and intrinsic objects in qBeta. A module may also be considered to be a program – we return to this below.

As an example, all collection classes are defined within a module called Collections and each kind/type of collection is defined as a nested module in Collections:

Collections: obj
   SetLib: obj
      class Set:
   ListLib: obj
      class List:

As mentioned, the module hierarchy of qBeta is basically a (large) nested structure of modules. The top-level module is called qBetaWorld. There are a number of modules nested within qBetaWorld:

  • The module qBeta contains all basic declarations of qBeta.
  • The LIB module contains all standard library modules for qBeta including Collections.
  • The MonitorSystem from section mkRef("Implementing a Monitor System"); is another example of a module.
  • The Workspace module is a a place for a user of qBeta to place his/her example modules. One example may a module containing the Bank example used in previous sections.

The following example shows part of the qBetaWorld modules:

qBetaWorld: obj
   qBeta: obj
   LIB: obj
      Collections: obj
      MonitorSystemLib: obj
   Workspace: obj
      Bank: obj
         class Account:
         class Customer:            

The module hierarchy is mapped to a corresponding folder hierarchy and each folder has a source file containing the corresponding qBeta code. There will thus be a folder name qBetaWorld, which contains folders, qBeta, LIB and Workspace. The folder LIB contains folders Collections, and MonitorSystemLib, etc. The folder SetLib has a file SetLib that contains the code for class Set, etc.

Note that in the diagram above we have showed the module hierarchy both as a composition diagram, with objects containing intrinsic objects, and a nesting hierarchy since the modules are descriptions of singular part objects that are nested in each other. The grey rhomb illustrates composition and the circle illustrates nesting – see also mkRef("Notation").

The advantage of organizing modules in a nested hierarchy of singular object descriptors is that visibility of modules and their attributes follows the ordinary scope rules of qBeta. The module Bank may e.g. access attributes in the Collections module. The Bank object has a data-item theAccountFile, which is of type Set(Account) where Set is defined in Collections.

Since modules are just nested object descriptors, all modules are visible from any module at any place in the hierarchy, but constrained by access modifiers like %public%private, %protected, and %package

As mentioned, the Bank may be organised as a module. As shown in chapter mkRef("Collections");, the Bank uses class Set to contain the accounts of the Bank. In the next example, we show how class Set may be accessed by means of an attribute accessor for objects.

Bank: obj
   class Account:
   theAccountsFile: obj LIB.Collection.SetLib.Set(Account)

As can be seen, the declaration of theAccountsFile makes use of a full path LIB.Collections.SetLib.Set to class Set. If one finds this to be too verbose, it is possible to make all public declarations in a given module visible using the %visible property:

Bank: obj
   %visible LIB.Collections.SetLib
   class Account:
   theAccountsFile: obj Set(Account)

Organizing Bank as a general module

At some point the code for Bank may have reached a stage where you will make it available for other programmers as a library. You then have to place it in a module other than Workspace. For this example, we place it in a module called BankLib.

#XXX { width: 30%; padding-left: 15px; margin-left: 15px; float: right; background-color: lightgray; font-size: 0.875em; /* 14px/16=0.875em */ }

The convention for using reverse Internet domain names was original proposed for package names in Java. Modules as presented here has some resemblance of packages – se XXX

Next we have to decide where to place BankLib in the module hierarchy. Other programmers may use the name BankLib for other purposes in which case there may be name conflicts. To avoid name conflicts it is in general recommended to place a module in a module that has a name that is the name of the reversed Internet domain of the organization that has developed the code. If we assume that BankLib is developed by a Danish company called FinSys (Financial Systems Ltd.), then we place BankLib in the module DK.FinSys– assuming that the Internet domain of the company is FinSys.DK. BankLib may thus be referred to as DK.FinSys.BankLib:

BankLib: obj
  class Bank:
      theAccountsFile: obj Set(Account)
  class Account(owner: ref Customer): 
  class Customer:

As can be seen, we have placed class Account and class Customer in the BankLib module. In addition, we have defined Bank as a class and not as an object as in the example above. The reason is that different programmers should be able to create their own Bank objects. In addition the classes Account and Customer are not defined within Bank, but in BankLib, and they are used in Bank, e.g. Account in in the declaration of the theAccountsfile, and Customer in the definition of class Account.

We only show the program text for (part of) BankLib. But even if modules like BankLib are placed in separate folders and files, it exists in the context for the whole of qBetaLib and the semantics is as if the whole library is one (large) text as shown in the first examples above.

A user may then create his own bank using the BankLib module and start by placing it in Workspace:

   ToyBank: obj DK.FinSys.BankLib.Bank
      aClerk: obj

Here we have just made a simple ToyBank that contains the object aClerk from section mkRef("The second program"); and makes use of the module DK.FinSys.BankLib. Note that ToyBank is derived from DK.FinSys.BankLib.Bank.

The ToyBank object is a module but it is also a program. In general a program is a module. In principle any module could be viewed as a program, but for a module to be considered a program it should represent a system in a given domain and/or solves a specific problem. However, there is no clear definition of when a module should be considered a program since any module can be executed.

Organizing a program as multiple modules

A program may also be split into modules and here we show how the example of an expression grammar from section mkRef("A simple expression grammar"); may be organized.

The example makes use of class Grammar, which is defined in a module GrammarLib. It has a local module demo, which has ExpressionGrammar as a local module. The expression grammar has local modules expAst and ExpParser that contain the abstract syntax tree of the grammar and the parser for the grammar. This module hierarchy is shown in the diagram.

Extending BankLib

Next we show an extension of BankLib where we add additional modules:

BankLIB: obj
   Banking: obj
      class Bank: ...
   Accounting: obj
      class Account: ...
      class SavingsAccount: Account ...   
      class CreditAccount: Account ...
   CustomerHandling: obj
     class Customer: ...
     class CorporateCustomer: Customer ...
   NetBanking: obj
   BankTerminals: obj

Organizing BasicSystem and MonitorSystem

Another example of organizing modules is the organization of BasicSystem and MonitorSytem. They may both be placed as modules in LIB:

qBetaWorld: obj
   qBeta: obj
   LIB: obj
      BasicSystemLib: obj
      MonitorSystemLib: obj
         class MonitorProcess:
         class Monitor:
   Workspace: obj
      aSafeSearcher: obj LIB.MonitorSystemLib.MonitorSystem
         searcherA: Searcher -"-
         collector: obj Monitor -"-
         presenter: obj MonitorProcess -"-

As an example, we have placed aSafeSearcher as a module/program in workspace.

Example of using the package access modifiers

In the next example we show how to use the package acces modifiers for controlling visibility of attributes within the BankSys package.

BankLIB: obj
   %package_boundary     banking: obj      class Bank:
         %package          theAccountsFile: obj Set(Account)   accounting: obj      class Account: 
          balance,interestRate: var float
      class SavingsAccount: Account ...   
      class CreditAccount: Account ...      ...
   customers/customerHandling: obj      class Customer: ...
      class CorporateCustomer: Customer ...      ...   NetBanking: obj
   BankTerminals: obj

  • The access modifier %package_boundary defines BankLib as the top module of the package.
  • The %package modifier specifies that the data-items balance and interestRate of Account objects are visible in the whole BankLib package. Please be aware that thesis just an example – in a real banking system it may not be a good idea to make such attributes visible to the whole package.
  • A %package modifier is also used to specify that theAccountsFile is visible in the whole package.