3.3 Introducing a Customer class

Customers of a bank and thereby potential owners of an account will usually have a profile with more than just the name (like “John Smith”). In addition, the same customer may have more than one account in the bank, and there may be other situations where the profile of a customer is needed.

With classes of objects, the way to model this is to introduce the class Customer with attributes representing the properties of a customer profile.

class Customer(name: var String):
   addr: var String         
   email: var String

We may declare a Customer object as follows:

JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")

We may subsequently assign values to the data-items addr and email of JohnSmith:

JohnSmithProfile.addr := "1011 Eagle Road, Moon Town, Utopia"
JohnSmithProfile.email := "john.smith@utopia.org"

We would like to be able to refer to the JohnSmithProfile-object from the Account object. In order to handle this, we introduce the mechanism of a variable reference, which may be declared as follows:

aCustomer: ref Customer    

The variable, aCustomer may refer to different Customer-objects during program execution. While the data-items we have seen so far (balance and interestRate) may hold different float values representing different values of balance and interestRate, the data-item aCustomer is a reference data-item that may refer to Customer objects.

We may e.g. set aCustomer to refer to the JohnSmithProfile-object using an assignment statement:

aCustomer := JohnSmithProfile

#XXX2 { width: 40%; padding-left: 15px; margin-left: 15px; float: right; background-color: lightgray; font-size: 0.80em; }
The term ghost object is an object that is a placeholder for items used in an example – they do not make sense by themself.

In order to illustrate the above, we place the code fragments in a ghost object, aGhost:

aGhost: obj
   aCustomer: ref Customer  
   JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
   JohnSmithProfile.addr := "1011 Eagle Road, Moon Town, Utopia"
   JohnSmithProfile.email := "john.smith@utopia.org"
   aCustomer := JohnSmithProfile

The snapshot shows the situation after the last assignment as marked by the red arrow (–>):

The class Account is correspondingly changed so that the owner of an Account is a reference to a Customer object:

class Account(owner: ref Customer):
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float
      balance := balance + (balance * interestRate) / 100
   deposit(amount: var float):
      balance := balance + amount
   withdraw(amount: var float) -> newB: var float:
      balance:= balance - amount
      newB := balance

We now use a reference variable, owner, to represent the owner of class Account:

owner: ref Customer   

An Account-object now has a reference to a Customer object representing the owner of the account. We may create an Account object with the Owner object JonhSmithsProfile as the actual parameter as follows:

account_1010: obj Account(JohnSmithsProfile)

Again, we place the above code in a ghost object to illustrate the situation where aCustomer and account_1010.owner both refer to the same Customer object. The following snapshot shows the situation at the end of execution of aClerk:

aGhost: obj
   aCustomer: ref Customer  
   JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
   account_1010: obj Account(JohnSmithsProfile)
   JohnSmithProfile.addr := "1011 Eagle Road, Moon Town, Utopia"
   JohnSmithProfile.email := "john.smith@utopia.org"
   aCustomer := JohnSmithProfile

As can be seen, both aCustomer and the owner attribute of the Account object refers to the same Customer object.

Reference owner from Account object to Customer object

We create yet another Account for John Smith using:

account_1011: obj Account(JohnSmithsProfile)

Assuming we add the above declaration to our ghost object, this situation may be illustrated by the following snapshot:

Two owner references from Account objects to Customer object

In a paper based bank the fact that two or more accounts are owned by the same customer is represented by all these accounts having the same name on the owner field of the account sheet. In a computerised bank system this would also be possible, however, with objects we have seen that there is an alternative where the name (and other types of information) of a customer is represented by attributes of an object and thereby maintained in one place only.

The details of reference assignment are described in section mkRef("Reference data-items").