10.3.1 Details of the simple text formatter

In the section we describe the details of the simple text formatter.

The overall structure of class Document is the following:

class Document(temp: ref Template, lineMax: var integer):
    content: obj OrderedList(Paragraph)    
    addParagraph(theContent: var String, theStyle: ref Style):
       content.insert(Paragraph(theContent, theStyle))

A Document has the following attributes:

  • A data-item content, which is an OrderedList of the Paragraphs in a given Document.
  • A method addParagraph that inserts a new Paragraph with arguments theContent and theStyle into content.

Next we have added format methods to Document and Paragraph:

class Document(temp: ref Template, lineMax: var integer):
    class Paragraph(theContent: var String, theStyle: ref Style):
        format -> formattedPar: var String:
            formattedPar := theStyle.format(theContent, lineMax)
    format -> formattedDoc: var String:
       formattedDoc := ""
          formattedDoc := formattedDoc + current.format

  • The format method for Paragraph returns a String in formattedPar as computed by invoking theStyle.format(theContent,lineMax).
  • The format method of Document returns a String in formattedDoc by adding the formatted strings for each Paragraph in the content (content) of the Document.
  • Finally the print method prints the String returned by invoking the format method of the Document.

For class Template, we just add the data-item styles which is an OrderedList of possible styles that are defined for the Template – it is not used in the examples, and we leave it to the reader to make use of it. In addition we add an inner(Template).

class Template:
   styles:  obj OrderedList(Style)
   heading: ref Style
   bodyText: ref Style 

For class Style, we make explicit that generation of a Style object returns a reference to the newly generated object – this is not really needed since such a reference is returned by default. We also add inner(Style) and inner(format).

class Style -> s: ref Style:
   format(content: var String, lineMax: var integer) 
                                        -> formattedString: var String:<
   s := this(Style)

The following example describes the classes DefaultHeading and DefaultBodyText:

class DefaultHeading: Style
   secNo: var integer
      secNo := secNo + 1
      formattedString := "\n" + secNo + ". " + content 
class DefaultBodyText: Style
      pos: var integer
      pos := 3
      formattedString := "\n   " 
      for (1):to(content.length):repeat
          pos := pos + 1
          if (pos > lineMax):then
             formattedString := formattedString + "\n   "
             pos := 3
          formattedString := formattedString + content.get[inx]

A DefaultHeading has a local variable secNo keeping track of the heading numbers. The format method increments secNo by one and returns a String consisting of a newline ("\n"), followed by secNo followed by a dot and a blank (". ") and the string hold in the content parameter of format.

The format method of class DefaultBodyText appends the characters in content to formattedContent. A newline and there blanks ("\n ") are inserted so each line has a maximum of lineMax characters.

We define a standard template as a subclass of Template:

class StandardTemplate: Template
   heading := DefaultHeading
   bodyText:= DefaultBodyText	 

A StandardTemplate object initializes the predefined styles heading and bodyText to defaultHeading and defaultBodyText respectively.

Finally we define class StandardDocument:

class StandardDocument: Document
    addHeading(h: ref String):
        addParagraph(h, theTemplate.heading)
    addBodyText(b: ref String):
       addParagraph(b, theTemplate.bodyText)

Class StandardDocument is a subclass of Document. It adds two methods addHeading and addBodyText. Each invoke addParagraph with their String parameter and the appropriate style defined within theTemplate.

This completes describing the details of the simple text formatting system.