2.9 The program execution

code{ font-size: 0.85em; }

The general theme in this book is that programming is modeling and that the model is the dynamic system of objects generated in a computer when executing a program describing the model – referred to as the program execution.

It is thus important to understand what goes on in a program execution. In the previous sections, we have shown program text and corresponding diagrams described by a given program, but these are static descriptions of the program execution.

We have also shown snapshots of objects as they may appear in a program execution. Such diagrams illustrate snapshots of the state of an object during program execution, and they thus illustrate part of the dynamic structure of a program execution.

The state of a program execution at a given point in time is:

  • The set of objects (including method objects) in the program execution.
  • The datums currently hold by objects in the program execution

    • A datum may be a reference to an object or a value. For a further description of datum, value and reference see chapter mkRef("Data items");

  • The stage of execution – the state of the activities currently taking place in the program execution.

    • Below we explain what exactly is meant by stage of execution.

In general, a snapshot of a program execution is part of the state of the program execution at a particular point in time. The term snapshot is used as an analogy to that a in photography.

In this section, we introduce diagrams for showing snapshots that further illustrate the dynamic structure of a program execution including the state of objects, method objects and method invocations. As these diagrams include state of objects, they are called Object-Sequence Diagrams (OSD). In addition to object diagrams, they illustrate method invocations.

We use the object mySecondProgram from the previous section. The diagram below shows a snapshot at the following point of the execution of mySecondProgram:

  • The computer-system object VM has invoked the mySecondProgram object. As mentioned before, an invocation of an object implies generation of the object and execution of its statements.
  • mySecondProgram has invoked the handle method of clerk.
  • The clerk has invoked deposit on account_1010.
#VM { width: 45%; padding-left: 15px; margin-left: 15px; float: right; background-color: lightgray; font-size: 0.8em }
As mentioned in mkRef("Introduction");, the abbreviation VM stands for Virtual Machine, which is the component in the computer system that takes care of executing qBeta programs.

As said, VM is an object that is generated by the computer-system with the purpose of initiating execution of mySecondProgram.

As mentioned, the symbols -"- stands for code, which has been shown in previous examples – see chapter mkRef("Notation");.

mySecondProgram: obj
   aClerk: obj
         newBalance :=
   account_1010: obj
      deposit(amount: var float):
-->      balance := balance + amount 

The four columns of the diagram represent the four objects, VM, mySecondProgram, clerk and account_1010. The vertical lines from these objects are called lifelines and represents time as seen by the object.

A method invocation is shown as an arrow from the lifeline of the invoker object to the lifeline of the context of the method. The arrows are labeled by the name of the method being invoked.

The arrow from VM to mySecondProgram has no method label. Such an arrow represents the following situation.

  • The invoker (in this case VM) has generated the mySecondProgram object;
  • the generation of the mySecondProgram Object implies generation of the aClerk object and the account_1010 object;
  • Execution the mySecondProgram object, i.e. execution of aClerk.handle.

The arrow from VM to mySecondProgram is above the arrow from clerk.handle, which is above the arrow for account.deposit(100), illustrating the order in time of these method invocations.

Generation of objects

In the next snapshots, we show the generation of the objects during program execution.

The snapshot below shows the situation after VM has generated the object mySecondProgram. The local objects aClerk and account_1010 are generated as part of the generation of mySecondProgram. The red arrow (–>) before aClerk, illustrates that the next object to be generated is aClerk:

mySecondProgram: obj--> aClerk: obj  
    account_1010: obj

The next snapshot shows the situation after aClerk has been generated. The red arrow is positioned at the beginning of the items in aClerk, but since aClerk has no local objects no more objects are generated here:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
-->    -"-
    account_1010: obj

The situation here is after generation of aClerk has returned to mySecondProgram and the next object to be generated is account_1010;

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
--> account_1010: obj

This snapshot shows the situation after account_1010 has been generated:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
    account_1010: obj
-->    -"-

The situation here is after generation of account_1010 has returned to mySecondProgram and generation of mySecondProgram has been completed:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
    account_1010: obj
--> -"-

The situation here is after generation of mySecondProgram has returned to VM and generation of mySecondProgram has been completed:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
    account_1010: obj

Execution of statements

The next snapshots show how the execution of statements in mySecondProgram takes place.

The snapshot below shows the situation just before statements in mySecondProgram are executed. As mentioned before, the line with arrow with no method from VM to mySecondProgram illustrates that v has been generated by VM. The snapshot shows the situation before invocation of clerk.handle in mySecondProgram:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
    account_1010: obj
--> aClerk.handle

Snapshot when clerk.handle has been invoked; before first statement in handle:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj  
       newBalance: var float
-->    newBalance := 
    account_1010: obj

Snapshot when account_1010.deposit has been invoked, but before execution of the statement:

mySecondProgram: obj    aClerk: obj
    account_1010: obj
       deposit(amount: var float):
-->       balance := balance + amount

Return from deposit:

Next account_1010.deposit(225) is executed, but no snapshots are shown since they are similar to the above two.

These two snapshots show invocation and return of addInterest.

These two snapshots show invocation and return of withdraw.

This snapshot shows return from console.print.

Finally, aClerk has no more statements to execute, and this snapshot shows the return from handle.


After return from handle, mySecondProgram there is no more statement; mySecondProgram returns to VM and execution is terminated.

Return from mySecondProgram.

Execution of mySecondProgram has terminated.

As said above, the lifelines and arrows showing method invocations represents how actions are ordered in time. The ordering of the objects in the columns does not matter, but usually a diagram may be more readable if the ordering in time flows from left to right to the extent that this is possible.

The stage of execution

The stage of execution includes the objects and method objects currently executing actions as described below.

The horizontal lines in the diagrams show the active method objects and/or objects of the program execution. For the snapshot here, these are:

VM; mySecondProgram; handle; deposit

As said VM is executing mySecondProgram; mySecondProgram is executing handle; and handle is executing deposit.

As can be seen, the active objects may include objects like mySecondProgram and method objects like handle and deposit. Below the term object also covers method object.

The active objects are often referred to as the invocation stack, execution stack or just stack. The top element of a stack is the object that has been invoked last. The bottom element is the first object being invoked. In the figure above, deposit is on top of the stack and VM is the bottom of the stack.

The term stack comes from the fact that a new invocation is always made from the top element, and this new object must return to the previous top object before the previous top object can return. That is, the last object on the stack is the first to return.

In general, a stack is a data-structure that may contain a collection of objects where you may insert and remove objects. Insertion is called push and removal is called pop. Elements are pushed on top of the stack which means that when you pop an element, you get the one that has been pushed latest. We further explain stacks in section mkRef("Cooperative coroutines");.

The active objects on the stack have a local sequence control (LSC), which points to the next statement to be executed:

  • For the object top of the stack, its LSC points to the next statement to be executed.
  • For an object, that has invoked a method, its LSC points to the statement/action to be executed when the method returns.
  • Each object has an implicit statement/action at the very end, which when executed returns to its invoker.

The stage of execution at a given point in time is thus the current stack including the LSC’s of the active objects on the stack.

Inspecting objects

It is possible to inspect the state of the objects and method activations as illustrated by the next diagram:

In this snapshot, the Account_1010 object and the deposit invocation have been expanded, and we may thus see the datums of these objects at this point of execution.

The amount parameter of deposit has the value 100.00; the return value newB has the value 0.00.

For Account_1010, the value of owner is the String "John Smith"; the value of balance is 0.00 and the value of interestRate is 0.70.

The next snapshot shows the state at the return of deposit. Here we can see that the balance of Account_1010 has been updated to 100.00 and that newB of deposit also has the value 100.00.

The next snapshot shows the state at the return of addInterest and the balance is now 327.27.

The final snapshot shows the state at the return of the withdraw made by the clerk before invoking console.print. As can be seen, the balance is 216.27.

The above snapshots just show the active method invocations. Sometimes one may want to show (a subset of ) previous method invocations. The next diagram shows the history of all method invocations performed by the clerk on account_1010.

The OSD’s being used in this book are generated by a tool called qenv that may execute qBeta programs.