15.3 Using coroutines to describe algorithms

In this section, we show examples of how to use coroutines to describe a certain class of algorithms often referred to as interlocked sequential execution stacks.

generator is a coroutine capable of producing a sequence of values. A new value is produced for each resume of the coroutine. The next value depends on the sequence of previously generated values. We show how to define generators for computing the mathematical functions factorial. The main purpose of the factorial example is to illustrate how coroutines work.

We assume the reader is familiar with the factorial function, but here is a short description: The factorial of a non-negative integer N, denoted by N!, is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to N. First we show how to define factorial as a simple method:

   FactorialFunction(N: var integer) -> F: var integer:
      F := N
      loop: do
         if (N > 1) :then
            N := N - 1
            F := F * N

As can be seen, FactorialFunction computes the product N * (N – 1) * (N – 2) * … * 2 * 1.

Next we show how to define a generator that produce the sequence of factorial, 1!, 2!, 3!, …, N!, …. When the coroutine is resumed, it returns the next value in the sequence when it suspends.

   PlainFactorial: obj
      getNext -> R: var integer:
         R := F 
      F: var integer
      N: var integer
      F := 1
         N := N + 1
         F := F * N

When PlainFactorial is generated it executes statements until the first execution of PlainFactorial.suspend. A subsequent resume of PlainFactorial will continue execution after this suspend.

PlainFactorial.getNext will return the factorial of 1 which is 1. Subsequent resumes will return the next factorial as shown below:

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
   V: var integer
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext -- V = 1
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext -- V = 2
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext -- V = 6
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext -- V = 24

The next figure shows a snapshot of the execution of UsingPlainFactorial where:

  • PlainFactorial has been generated and suspended execution during the first iteration of cycle.
  • The read arrow –> shows that PlainFactorial is suspended just before the statement N := N + 1.
  • The point of execution in UsingPlainFactorial is before the first statement V := PlainFactorial.next as indicated by the read arrow ==>.
  • A read arrow of the form ==> shows the active point of execution.
  • A read arrow of the form –> show the point of suspension of a coroutine.

The OSD in the right column illustrates what UsingPlainFactorial is currently executing and that PlainFactorial is suspended.

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
      F := 1
-->      N := N + 1
         F := F * N
    V: var integer
==> V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext

The OSD also shows the values of the variable V in UsingPlainFactorial, and the variables , F and N in PlainFactorial.

The next next scenario shows the situation:

  • PlainFactorial.getNext has been executed by UsingPlainFactorial.
  • getNext has executed resume(PlainFactorial).
  • The next statement to be executed is N := N + 1.

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
      getNext -> R: var integer:
         R := F 
      F: var integer
      N: var integer
      F := 1
==>      N := N + 1
         F := F * N
   V: var integer
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext
   V := PlainFactorial.getNext

The next snapshot shows the situation after PlainFactorial has executed the two assignments statements, N := N + 1 and F := F * N, and executed a PlainFactorial.suspend during the second iteration of cycle:

  • PlainFactorial is suspended before the statement N := N + 1 – as in the first figure above.
  • The active point of execution is in UsingPlainFactorial before the second statement V := PlainFactorial.getNext.
  • The variables have been updated V, F and N have all new values.

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
-->      N := N + 1
         F := F * N
    V: var integer
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
==> V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext

Execution of the second V := PlainFactorial.getNext resumes execution of PlainFactorial, which then generate the next factorial value. We don’t show a snapshot of this.

The next snapshot shows the situation after PlainFactorial has suspended:

  • PlainFactorial is as in previous snapshots suspended before the statement N := N + 1.
  • The current point of execution is in UsingPlainFactorial before the third statement V := PlainFactorial.getNext.
  • The variables V, F and N have been updated.

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
-->      N := N + 1
         F := F * N
    V: var integer
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
==> V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext

Finally we show a snapshot at the situation after execution of the last V := PlainFactorial.getNext:

  • PlainFactorial is (again) suspended before the statement N := N + 1.
  • The active point of execution is after the last statement.
  • The variables V, F and N have been updated.
  • V = 24 = 6!

UsingPlainFactorial: obj
   PlainFactorial: obj
-->      N := N + 1
         F := F * N
    V: var integer
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext
    V := PlainFactorial.getNext

Recursive factorial generator

Next we show a a version of a factorial generator using a recursive method instead of the loop implemented using cycle. As said the purpose is to show how coroutines work and not necessarily a recommended programming style.

  RecursiveFactorial: obj
      getNext -> R: var integer:
         R := F
      F: var integer	 
      N: var integer
         N := N + 1
         F := F * N
      F := 1 

When RecursiveFactorial is generated it invokes the local method next, which suspends execution. Successive invocations of next resumes the coroutine and returns the next factorial (F) in the sequence.

The next figures shows snapshots of using RecursiveFactorial by the object UsingRecursiveFactorial:

UsingRecursiveFactorial: obj
   RecursiveFactorial: obj
   V: var integer
   V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 1
   V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 2
   V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 6
   V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 24 

The first snapshot how the situation after the objects UsingRecursiveFactorial and RecursiveFactorial have been generated:

  • RecursiveFactorial is suspended before N := N + 1 in the method object next.
  • Note that RecursiveFactorial has been suspended while execution an instance of the method next.
  • The active point of execution is at the first V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext in UsingRecursiveFactorial.
  • The values of the variables are V = 0, F = 1 and N = 0.

 UsingRecursiveFactorial: obj
    RecursiveFactorial: obj
       getNext -> R: var integer:
          R := F
       F: var integer	 
       N: var integer
-->       N := N + 1
          F := F * N
       F := 1
    V: var integer
==> V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext

The next snapshot shows a situation after execution of the first RecursiveFactorial.getNext:

  • RecursiveFactorial has been resumed.
  • N := N + 1 has been executed — N = 1.
  • F := F * N has been executed — F = 1.
  • A recursive invocation of next has been generated.
  • The active point of execution is at RecursiveFactorial.suspend in this next method.

 UsingRecursiveFactorial: obj
    RecursiveFactorial: obj
==>       RecursiveFactorial.suspend
          N := N + 1
          F := F * N
       F := 1
    V: var integer
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext
    V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext

V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 2

V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 6

V := RecursiveFactorial.getNext -- V = 24

As can be seen, a suspend within next, suspends the whole execution stack and a resume resumes execution of the top element of the stack.

Merging binary search trees

The next example is more interesting. Here we show how to merge two binary search trees. We assume that the reader is familiar with the concept of a binary search tree +++ evt henvisning.

In this example, we define a binary tree where the a node contains a String being the name of a person. First we define class BinarySearchTree:

   class BinaryTree: 
      class node(elm: var String):
         left: ref node
         right: ref node
         insert(S: var String):
            if (S <= elm) :then 
               if (left == none) :then 
                  left := node(S) 
               if (right == none) :then 
                  right := node(S) 
         print(ind: var integer):
      root: ref node
      insert(S: var string):
         if (root == none) :then 
            root := node(S) 

A BinaryTree has the following attributes:

  1. A local class Node.
  2. A reference root, that refers to the root (top Node) of the tree.
  3. A method insert for inserting a Node in the tree with the parameter S being the String stored in the Node. It works as follows:

    • If root == none, then the insertion is the first Node else root.insert(S) is invoked.

  4. A Node has the following attributes:
  5. References left and right that refer to the left and right branches of the Node respectively.
  6. An insert method that works as follows:

    • If S <= elm where elm is the name in the current Node, then S is inserted in the left branch.

      • If left == none then S is the first element in the left branch and left := Node(S) is executed otherwise left.insert(S) is executed recursively.

    • If S > elm then S is inserted in the right branch.

  7. A print method not shown.

When a Node is inserted into the tree it is ordered based on a lexicographical ordering. I.e. “Dave” comes before “John” (“Dave” < “John”).

Preliminary figure

We may then declare two BinaryTree objects and insert some elements into them:

boys: obj BinaryTree
girls: obj BinaryTree

Next we add a coroutine, theScanner, that traverse the tree and for each node in the tree, it suspends execution and returns the value at the node. If the tree has n nodes it returns a sequence of String values where V1 <= V2 <= V3 <= ... <= Vn.

   class BinaryTree: 
      theScanner: obj
         CV: var String
         next -> V: var String:
            V := CV
         scan(current: ref node):
            if (current =/= none) :then 
               CV := current.elm
         CV := ""
      next -> V: var String:
         V := theScanner.next

Finally we may add a method, merge that merges the values of two binary search trees:

      nextBoy: var String
      nextGirl: var String
      tail(T: ref BinaryTree):
            S: var String
            S := T.next
            if (S = "") :then 
      nextBoy := boys.next
      nextGirl := girls.next
      loop: do
         if (nextBoy <= nextGirl) :then
            if (nextBoy = "") :then
               nextBoy := boys.next
            -- nextBoy > nextGirl
            if (nextGirl = "") :then 
               if (nextBoy.length > 0) :then 
                  nextGirl := girls.next

The merge method works ass follows:

  1. The statements: nextBoy := boys.next and nextGirl := girls.next assigns the first boy and first girl to nextBoy and nextGirl respectively where the ordering is alphabetical.
  2. If nextBoy <= nextGirl, then nextBoy is printed and nextBoy is assigned the next boy from the tree using boys.next.
  3. If nextBoy > nextGirl, then nextGirl is printed and assigned the next girl.
  4. This is repeated until no more boys and girls in the trees.
  5. The termination condition is that the empty string ("") is returned by next if no more girls/boys in a tree.
  6. if the boys tree becomes empty before the girls tree, then the method invocation tail(girls) prints the remaining girls in the tree – similarly if the girls tree becomes empty before the boys tree.