8.1 Subclasses
Let us start by looking at a possible description of two different types of accounts, savings accounts and credit accounts. We first show a class representing the notion of savings account. Some of the attributes are the same as in class Account
from the previous chapters. In addition, new attributes and statements are added:
class SavingsAccount(owner: ref Customer):
balance: var float
interest: var float
releaseDate: var Date
balance := balance + (balance * interestRate) / 100
deposit(amount: var float):
balance := balance + amount
withdraw(amount: var float) -> newB: var float:
if (today > releaseDate) :then
balance:= balance - amount
console.print("It is not possible to withdraw")
newB := balance
newReleaseDate(newDate: var Date, newInterest: var float):
releaseDate := newDate
interest := newInterest
Compared to class Account
from the previous chapters, we have added a data-item releaseDate
of type Date
. It represents the date to which the customer has agreed to bind his/her money in order to get a higher interest than on just an ordinary account.
The method withdraw
differs from the one in class Account
, since it is not possible to withdraw money before the release date.
We have also added a method newReleaseDate
with parameters newDate
and newInterest
. This method may set a new binding period and a new interest rate for a given a given savings account.
Next let us look at similar description of a class representing the notion of credit account.
class CreditAccount(owner: ref Customer):
balance: var float
interest: var float
maxCredit: var float
balance := balance + (balance * interestRate) / 100
deposit(amount: var float):
balance := balance + amount
withdraw(amount: var float):
if (-balance < maxCredit) :then
balance := balance - amount
console.print("Not possible to withdraw beyond max credit")
changeCredit(newMax: var float, newInterest: var float):
maxCredit := newCredit
interest := newInterest
For a credit account it is possible to overdraw money up to a certain limit defined as the maximum limit. We have added a data-item maxCredit
, that represents the maximum credit limit of the account.
We also have a new method changeCredit
, which can set a new value for the maximum credit and a new interest rate.
The withdraw
method is special in the sense that there is a test for not withdrawing beyond the maxLimit
. We assume tha maxLimit
is a positive float number. If balance
is positive the customer has deposited money on the account. If balance
is negative, the customer has loaned money from the bank.
As can be seen, the two types of accounts have some attributes in common like owner
, balance
, interest
, addInterest
, and deposit
In addition, each of them have attributes that are specific for the kind of account they represent. For class SavingsAccount
these are releaseDate
and newBindingPeriod
. For class SavingsAccount
these are: maxCredit
and changeCredit
In the next section, we show how to define the common attributes of the two classes in a single class that may be used to define these two classes.