5.5 Value assignment and comparison

In section mkRef("Reference data-items");, we have described assignment and comparison for references. In summary, we may assign a reference r2 to r1 (r1 := r2): r1 then refers to the same object as r2. We do not copy the content of the object referred by r2 to the object referred by r1. Two different reference data items may refer to the same object.

Similarly for a comparison, r1 = r2 is true if r1 and r2 refer to the same object – and r1 <> r2 is true if they refer to different objects.

For primitive value types the situation is different. Value objects are just needed for representing values – it is the content of a value object that is important and not the value object itself.

If v1 and v2 are different data-items of type float, we may assign v2 to v1 (v1 := v2) and the value hold by v2 is now also hold by v1. It is not the case that v1 and v2 refer to the same value object.
The same applies to comparison, the comparison v1 = v2 is true if v1 and v2 represent the same value. This is illustrated by the following example:

v1,v2: var float
b: var Boolean
v1 := 3.14
v2 := 7.5
b := v1 = v2  -- now b = false since v1 and v2 represent different values
b := v1 <> v2 -- now b = true
v2 := v1      -- now v1 and v2 represent the same value, 3.14
b := v1 = v2  -- now b = true

If v1 and v2 are two different value objects of the same type, assignment v1 := v2 implies that the local data-items in v2 is copied to the corresponding data-items in v1.

For a comparison v1 = v2, is true if the local data-items of v1 are equal to the corresponding local data-items of v2. If the local data-item is a compound value, this applies recursively.

We want assignment and companions for value objects in general to work as for primitive value types. Two value objects of type Point may represent the same point or different points, and this must be reflected in assignment and comparison. Consider the following example

class Point(x,y: var Integer): Value

p1, p2: var Point
b: var Boolean
p1 := Point(10,11)
p2 := Point(20,21)
b := p1 = p2      -- now b = false since p1 and p2 represent different points 
b := p1 <> p2     -- now b = true
p2 := p1          -- now p1 and p2 represent the same point(10,11)
b := p1 = p2      -- now b = true

The next list of snapshots illustrates the effect of assignment and comparisons on value objects:

The first snapshot shows the situation after b := p1 = p2 – marked by a red arrow.

  • The assignment p1 := Point(10,11) has been executed;
  • the value of p1 is p1.x = 10 and p1.y = 11;
  • p2 := Point(20,21) has been executed;
  • the value of p2 is thus p2.x = 20 and p2.y = 21;
  • b := p1 = p2 has been executed;

    • this includes evaluation of the comparison p1 = p2 evaluation to false;
    • the value of b is thus false.

This snapshot shows the situation after the assignment b := b1 <> b2.

  • This includes evaluation of the comparison b1 <> b2 evaluating to true;
  • the value of b is thus now true

This snapshot shows the immediately before execution of the assignment p2 := p1.

  • Execution of p2 := p1 corresponds to executing the assignments:

    • p2.x := p1.x
    • p2.y := p1.y

This snapshot then shows the situation after execution of the assignment p2 := p1.

  • The value of p2 is now p2.x = 10 and p2.y = 11;

The final snapshot shows the situation after the assignment b := p1 = p2.

  • The right side of the assignment is a comparison p1 = p2 that values to true;
  • the value of b is now true.

Here we have a more elaborated example. We define class Line as a value object with data-items of type Point:

class Line(p1,p2: var Point): Value

The following snapshots of object geometricEx illustrates the effect assignment of Line objects. The first snapshot shows the situation after line1 := Line(Point(1,2), Point(3,4)) has been executed. As can be seen, line1.p1.x = 1, line1.p1.y = 2, line1.p2.x = 3, and line1.p2.y = 4.

 geometricEx: obj
    line1,line2: var Line
    line1 := Line(Point(1,2), Point(3,4))
--> line2 := line1

The next snapshot shows the situation after the assignment line2 := line1. The assignment implies that the local data-items of line1 is copied to the corresponding data-items of line2. Since the local data-items are composite values of type Point, the copying is recursive in the sense that the local data items of the Point objects are copied to the corresponding Point objects in line2. As can be seen, line2.p1.x, etc. now all have the values as the corresponding variables in line1:

 geometricEx: obj
    line1,line2: var Line
    line1 := Line(Point(1,2), Point(3,4))
    line2 := line1

Value parameter transfer

Invocation of a method like anAccount.deposit(500) involves the transfer of the argument 500 to the parameter amount of the deposit object generated as part of the invocation – this is called parameter transfer. Parameter transfer is similar to assignment in the sense that the argument 500 is assigned to the parameter amount.

In a similar way generation of an object like Point(2,3) implies that the arguments 2 and 3 are assigned to the parameters x and y of the generated Point object as described above.

The generation of a Line object as in Line(Point(1,2), Point(3,4)) involves generation of two Point objects where the arguments 1, 2 and 3, 4 are assigned to the x and y parameters of the two new Point objects and these Point objects are then subsequently assigned to the p1 and p2 parameters of the new Line object.

Next we illustrate parameter transfer for a Line object. We use a method that computes the intersection of two lines as an example although we leave the computation as an exercise. For simplicity, we assume there is an intersection point between the two lines.

intersect(l1,l2: var Line) -> p: var Point: 
   p := ...

Below we have extended geometricEx and the first snapshot shows the situation during the execution of intersectingPoint := intersect(line1, line2) and at the start of the invocation of intersect (marked by red) at the point where a method object with default values has been generated:

 geometrixEx: obj
    line1, line2: var Line
    line1 := Line(Point(1,2), Point(3,4)) 
    line2 := Line(Point(5,6), Point(7,8))
    intersectingPoint: var Point
--> intersectingPoint := intersect(line1, line2)

After the intersect method object has been generated the arguments line1 and line2 are passed to the method object. This involves two assignments intersect.l1 := line1 and intersect.l2 := line2.

The assignment intersect.l1 := line1 implies that the local data-items of line1 is copied to the corresponding data-items of l1 in the intersect method object. Since the local data-items are composite values of type Point, the copying is recursive in the sense that the local data items of the Point objects are copied to the corresponding Point objects in l1. Similarly for the second argument line2.

The next snapshot shows the geometricEx object and the intersect method object after the arguments have been transferred – for simplicity only line1 and l1 are shown:


As a consequence of the above rules for assignment it is not possible to have two or more names that denote the same value object as is the case for objects.

The fact that you can denote the same object with two or more names is called aliasing. Aliasing may complicate programming since the state of an object may be modified from different places in a program – the programmer therefore has to be careful when using references. As we argue below, we need aliasing for objects.

However, we do not want aliasing when dealing with values since this does not make sense and may easily lead to unexpected results. It is thus not possible to have two or more names denoting the same value object.

In the following example, we illustrate the difference between data items representing values and data items representing references with respect to aliasing. First we consider value objects:

  • After the assignment p2 := p1, p2 = Point(1,2).
  • After the assignment p1 := Point(3,4), p1 = Point(3,4), and p2 is unaffected and we still have p2 = Point(1,2).

p1,p2: var Point
p1 := Point(1,2)
p2 := p1
p1 := Point(3,4)
-- p2 = Point(1,2)

The next example illustrates arising for references:

  • After the assignment acc2 := acc1, acc1 and acc2 refer to the same Account object.
  • After the assignment acc1.balance := 250, we also have acc2.balance = 250, since acc2 refers to the same object as acc1.

acc1, acc2: ref Account
acc1.balance := 150
acc2 := acc1
acc1.balance := 250
-- acc2.balance = 250


As mentioned in section mkRef("On representing phenomena"); , we distinguish phenomena representing physical entities local accounts, vehicles, customers, etc. and properties of physical entities like balance of an account, length of a vehicle and the name of a customer.

Objects represent physical entities and we may have several references to a given object. A given vehicle may be referred to from a vehicle registration system, an insurance company, the owner of the vehicle, etc. We thus want to be able to represent having several references to the same object in our computerized models. Assignment and comparison of references are thus about references and not the state (data-items) of the objects.

The properties of physical entities are often represented by values of some type and as said above, from a modeling point of view, it is the values that are relevant and not the value objects holding the values.

This is in contrast to objects representing physical entities – here the objects are relevant with respect to modeling. The state of a given object with respect to the datums hold by its data items are of course also important.