9.4 Iterators

An iterator is a control structure that iterators over the members of a collection like Set, OrderedList or Array. For each member of a given collection a list of statements is executed with the current member as an argument.

Defining iterators

For collections like class Set, it is often useful to perform an action on all elements of a given Set. In the Bank example, we may add interest to all accounts using the following statement:


The object theAccountsFile is defined as an attribute of the bank system defined in section mkRef("Collections"). It is a Set that contains all the Account-objects of the bank.

Here scan is a control method in the form of an iterator defined as an attribute of class Set. The reference variable current is an attribute of scan and refers to current element of the iteration. The effect of theAccountFile.scan ... is that current.addInterest is executed for each Account-reference in theAccountsFile and for each iteration, current refers to the current element.

In the next example, we show how to define scan. To do this, we need to supply details of how to represent the Account-objects in theAccountsFile. For this purpose, we add an array, members to hold references to the Account-objects.

For simplicity, we assume that there is a maximum of 500 accounts, defined by the constant max. The integer variable top keeps track of the current no. of accounts.

The method insert, checks that its parameter element is not already in the Set. Then it increments top and if top <= max, element is inserted into members. Otherwise an error message is printed.

We may now define scan as shown below:

class Set(class ElementType:< Object):   +++ Member?
   insert(element: ref ElementType):
      if (not has(element)) :then
         top := top + 1
         if (top < max) :then
             console.print("No space for more accounts")
   has(element: ref ElementType): ...
   remove(element: ref ElementType): ... 
      current: ref ElementType
      for (1):to(top):repeat
         current := members[inx]
   max: val 500
   members: obj Array(max, ElementType)
   top: var integer                 

As can be seen, scan goes through the elements of members and for each element, members[inx] is assigned to current and then an inner(scan) is executed.