14. Representative and non-representative parts


In this chapter, we discuss representative and non-representative parts of a program with respect to modeling a given domain.

A primary focus of this book has been to emphasize that programming is modeling in the sense that programming is about creating a model of the relevant aspects of the application domain. This implies that one should attempt to represent descriptions of phenomena and their properties by corresponding language elements in the program.

There will, however be elements in a given program that do not relate to phenomena or concepts from the application domain. This is due to the fact that it must be possible to execute the program on a computer. To do this, a program will have elements that implement the elements that relate to the model of the application domain.

The part of the program that describes phenomena and concepts from the application domain is called the representative part. The part which is not representative is called non-representative.

Non-representative parts of class Account

In the following we consider class Account in the bank domain with respect to representative and non-representative parts.

Representation of concepts and phenomena in the bank domain

In the previous versions of Account there is at a first glance no attributes that cannot be considered representative. All of owner, balance, interestRate, deposit, withdraw, etc. are meaningful in the bank domain.

We originally introduced assignments like:

account_1010.balance := 523.07

and said that such an assignment may be considered a deposit on the account. And further assignments like:

account_1010.balance := account_1010.balance + 200
account_1010.balance := account_1010.balance - 300

may also be considered deposits or withdrawals.

However, we have methods deposit and withdraw, which are supposed to represent deposits and withdrawals of money on the account. And from a modeling point of view these conflict with assigning to balance directly.

In addition, there is more to a deposit and withdraw than just updating balance. In section , we introduced class Transactions and an object transaction, which keeps track of deposits and withdrawals on a given account. We would thus want to prevent access to balance from outside the Account-objects.

However, we do want to be able to read/print the current balance of a given account. In addition, we may want to log that someone has read the balance of an account.

We may handle this by adding a method getBalance to the class Account:

getBalance -> bal: var float: transact
   bal := balance 
   theTransaction.what := “getBalance”

The above considerations also apply to the variable interestRate. Here we do not want to be able to manipulate interestRate directly from outside an account, as update of an interesRate may imply more actions to be carried out. This may include informing the customer about the change.

We may thus introduce a method getInterestRate like getBalance and we may introduce methods setInterestRate and getInterestRate.

In the next section we introduce language mechanisms for controlling the accessibility of attributes.