10.1.2 An expression parser

In this section, we show had to write a parser for our simple expression grammar. The parser reads a string of characters and checks whether or not the string is a valid expression as described by the grammar.

We assume that the input string to the parser is in the String inn. We define a method nextChar that assigns the next character in inn to the variable ch, but skipping all blank characters. The variable pos keeps track of the current position in inn. When the end of inn is reached, the null-character is assigned to ch.

inn: ref String
pos: var integer
ch: var integer    
   -- read the next character from inn and assign it to ch
   -- skip white space like blanks and end-of-lines
   -- return ch = 0, if at the end of inn
   pos := pos + 1
   if (pos <= inn.length) :then
      ch :=  inn.get[pos]
      if (ch = ' ') :then	
      ch := 0

The parser is based on a technique of so-called recursive methods – we return to recursion later.

For each nonterminal symbol of the grammar we define a method that checks if the input is in accordance with the nonterminal.

For the nonterminal <Exp> , we define the method exp:

      -- parse an expression generated from <Exp>
      if (ch = '+') :then

The exp-method starts by calling the term-method, which we assume parses an expression as generated by <Term>.

If the next character is a '+', nextChar is called to assign the next char into ch and then execution of exp Is restarted.

Given that term actually parses a string described by <Term>, exp will parse an sequence:

<term> + <term> + ... + <term>

We may now show the term-method, which is similar to exp:

    if (ch = '*') :then

The term-method assumes that the method primary parses a string described by <Primary> and will then parse a sequence:

<Primary> * <Primary> * ... * <Primary>

Next we look at the <Primary> rule, which has the form:

<Primary> ::= "(" <Exp> ")" | <Number>

This give us the following primary-method:

   -- parse an expression generated from <Primary>
   if (ch = '(') :then
      if (ch = ')') :then

If the next character (ch) is a left-bracket ("("), it calls nextChar and then exp. When exp returns, the next character must be a right-bracket (")"), otherwise we have an error in the string – and a syntax error is reported.

If the next character is not a left-bracket, the number-method is called and again we assume that number parses a string as described by <Number>.

The call of the exp-method is an example of a recursive call. We return to recursion in the section below.

Next we show the number-method and the digit-method:

   -- parse an expression generated from <Number>
   moreDigits: do
      if (ascii.isDigit(ch)) :then
   -- parse an expression generated from <Digit>
   if (ascii.isDigit(ch)) :then

The number-method expects at least one digit, which is reflected in the digit-method that repoerts a syntax error if ch is not a digit.

Finally we may show how to start parsing:

   -- parse the expression assigned to inn below
   inn :=  "10 + 11 * (1 + 9)"
   console.print("Parse: " + inn + "\n")
   if (ch <> ascii.null) :then

The parse-method calls exp and when exp returns, ch must be the ascii.null character.


What others say:
Wikipedia: Recursion occurs when the definition of a concept or process depends on a simpler or previous version of itself
Other from Google: Recursion is the process of defining a problem (or the solution to a problem) in terms of (a simpler version of) itself.
The key to making this work is that there must be a terminating condition such that the function branches to a non-recursive solution at some point
But surprisingly few good definitions of recursion in the books/Google I have looked at

Recursion is a technique for defining an entity in terms of a simpler version of itself. In order for this to work, there must be a terminating condition that can be defined without applying recursion, i.e. a recursive definition must be to a part of the entity that is simpler than the original entity.

The expression grammar is and example of a recursive definition. A nonterminal like <Exp> is defined using <Exp> on the rigt side of the rule, the same is the case for <Term>. The rule for <Primary> is an example of an indirect recursion, since <Primary> is defined by means of <Exp> which in turn is defined by means of <Primary>.

The terminating conditions here is that an <Exp> can be a <Term>, a <Term> can be a <Primary>, which can be a <Number>.

The methods of the parser are example recursive methods and they follow the same scheme as the grammar except that only the indirect recursion of exp via primary is explicitly encoded.

2024-10-29: Ny tekst og snapshot nedenfor

The snapshot below shows the situation of the the invocation of parse of the string "11 * (1 + 9) + 12" at the point where the substring "11 * (" has been parsed and primary has made a recursive invocation of exp which has invoked term. The red arrow (-->) shows the point of execution in exp and the black arrow (-->) shows the point of invocation of exp in primary.

     -- parse an expression generated from <Primary>
     if (ch = '(') :then
-->     exp
        if (ch = ')') :then
     -- parse an expression generated from <Exp>
--> term
    if (ch = '+') :then