As mentioned, Java, does not have good support for singular objects as described in chapter 2. In most cases, objects are instances of classes so to create objects like Account_1010
representing the account of John Smith, we use class Account,
which may be defined as follows:
class Account {
Account(Customer ow) {
owner = ow;
Customer owner;
float balance;
float interestRate;
addInterest() {
balance = balance + (balance * interestRate) / 100;
deposit(float amount) {
balance = balance + amount;
float withdraw(float amount) {
balance = balance - amount;
return balance;
Explain class Account, the constructor, introduce main and show how to create instances.
Show class Customer.
final Account account_1010 = new Account(JohnSmithsProfile)
Class Customer, JohnSmithsProfile, references, etc.