In order to provide status on flights, we extend the first definition of class Flight
class Route(name, origin, destination: ref String):
scheduledDepartureTime: var TimeOfDay
scheduledArrivalTime: var TimeOfDay
class Flight(departureDate: var Date):
seats: ...
departureTime: var TimeOfDay
-- before take off: estimated departure time
-- after take off: actual departure time
arrivalTime -> at: var TimeOfDay:
-- before take off: estimated arrival time
-- after take off: actual arrival time
at := departureTime + scheduledFlyingTime
flyingTime: -> ft: var Time.Hours
ft := arrivalTime - departureTime
delayed: var Boolean
delayDeparture(newTime: var Time):
-- this is called in case the departure is delayed
delayed := True
departureTime := newTime
cancelled: var Boolean
cancelled := True
hasArrived: var Boolean
hasTakenOff: var Boolean
delay -> period: var Time.Hours:
period := arrivalTime – scheduledArrivalTime
The scheduled arrival time is common to all flights on this route, while the arrival time of a flight is represented by a method the compute its arrival time by
arrivalTime -> at: var TimeOfDay:
at := departureTime + scheduledFlyingTime
where scheduledFlyingTime
is the property of the enclosing Route
object and therefore visible in Flight
If the flight is delayed, the method delayDeparture
of the actual Flight
object is called, with the new time as parameter. In addition to setting DepartureTime
to represent the estimated departure time, delayed
is set to True
In the event of cancellation, the method cancel
is called.
At take off, departureTime
is set to the time of take off, hasTakenOff
is set to True
, and hasArrived
is set to False
. While flying the attribute arrivalTime
is set based on weather condition and the landing condition of the destination airport. It is therefore assumed that this is set based on real time information from the plane. At arrival, hasArrived
is set to True
and hasTakenOff
to False
. The actual delay is computed from the estimated arrival time (set while flying) and the scheduled arrival time.
The following illustration shows how nesting is used to compute the delay. By nesting the Flight
class in the Route
class, the attributes of Route
are directly visible in class Flight
. The method delay
(in class Flight
) may therefore compute the delay of the flight by subtracting the scheduledarrivalTime
(in the enclosing Route
) from the local Flight
property ArrivalTime
Status of flights are provided in two different ways, either given the origin/destination airport at a given date, or given the name of the route, e.g. SK1926.
The method departureStatus defined below is called before take off of the flight:
class Flight(departureDate: var Date):
departureStatus -> info: var String:
-- this is called before the flight has taken off
info := ("Flight " + name + " at: " + departureDate.asString)
if departureDelayed :then
info := info + "Estimated departure time: "+ estimatedDepartureTime +
" expected arrival time: " + (DepartureTime + flyingTime)
info := info + " On schedule: " +
The next method is called after take off:
class Flight(departureDate: var Date):
arrivalStatus -> info: var String:
-- this is called when the flight has taken off
info := ("Flight " + name + " at: " + departureDate.asString)
info := info + "Departed at: "+ departureTime if (not hasArrived) :then info := info + " expected at: " + arrivalTime
info := info + " arrived at: " + ArrivalTime +
" delayed: " + delay
Based upon the entries in the time table, flight status is provided by:
r: ref Route
r := current
if (not hasTakenOff) :then
This is based upon a scanTimeTable
timeTable: obj
entries: obj OrderList(Route)
current: ref Route
this(scanTimeTable).current := current
lookupRoute(routeId: var String) -> theRoute: ref Route:
if ( = routeId):then
theRoute := current
which in turn is based upon a scan
of routes:
class Route(name, origin, destination: ref String):
-- as above
currentFlight: ref Flight
currentFlight := current
r: ref Route
r := current
if (not hasTakenOff) :then
For the purpose of providing status of flights we have two ways to ask for that: flights departing or arriving from a given airport at a given date, or flights of a given route at a given airport and date.
From/to a given airport, at a given date
The following method delivers the list of flights for giving the status of all flights with a given origin airport at a given date:
fromAirport(ap: var String, d: var Date)
-> flightList: ref OrderedList(Flight):
routeList: obj OrderedList(Route)
if (current.origin = ap :then
if ( = d) :then
It is left as a simple exercise to make the method that delivers the list of flights for giving the status of all flights with a given destination airport at a given date.
toAirport(ap: var String, d: var Date)
-> flightList: ref OrderedList(Flight):
routeList: obj OrderedList(Route)
if (current.destination = ap :then routeList.insert(current)
if ( = d) :then flightList.insert(current)
Before the list of Flight
objects delivered by these two methods are used for producing the status website, the list delivered by fromAirport
should be sorted according to departure time (in fact scheduled departure time, as this should be displayed together with the actual departure time), while the list of Flight
objects delivered by toAirport
should be sorted according to arrival time.
Given these two lists of Flight
objects, the status website can produce the two strings delivered by the methods departureStatus
and arrivalStatus
fromAirport("OSL", Date(+++,+++, +++)).scan
fromAirport("OSL", Date(+++, +++)).scan
fromAirport("ARR", Date(+++, +++, +++)).scan
fromAirport("ARR", Date(+++, +++, +++)).scan
Given the Route name, airport, and a given date
The following method produces the list of flights given a certain route, from a given airport at a certain date:
onRouteNameFrom(n: var String, from: var String d: var Date)
-> flightList: ref OrderedList(Flight):
theRoute: ref Route
theRoute := timeTable.lookupRoute(n)
if theRoute.origin = from :then
if ( = d) :then flightList.insert(current)
It is left as a simple exercise to make the method that produces the list of flights given a certain route, to a given airport at a certain date:
onRouteNameTo(n: var String, to: var String d: var Date)
-> flightList: ref OrderedList(Flight):
theRoute: ref Route
theRoute := timeTable.lookupRoute(n)
if theRoute.origin = to :then
if ( = d) :then flightList.insert(current)
Given these two lists of Flight
objects, the status website can produce the two strings delivered by the methods departureStatus
and arrivalStatus
onRouteNameFrom("SK1926", "ARR" Date(+++, +++, +++)).scan
onRouteNameTo("SK1926", "OSL" Date(+++, +++, +++)).scan