Requirements for the example:
- It should be understandable by students and others
- It should be possible to complete it to a program that does something meaningful
- It should be as small as possible
- It must have non-virtual methods in all subclasses and the superclass
- It must have one or more virtual methods defined in the superclass and extends in subclasses
- It will be an advantage if it may have nested classes and virtual classes.
- There should be at least two levels in the subclass hierachy.
- However, we also need a bigger example, but probably later.
Classification and composition are means to organize complexity in terms of hierarchies. A classification is represented by a class/subclass hierarchy, as we have seen already.
Composition is related to either part-whole hierarchies on phenomena, and decomposition of methods (procedures and functions) into local methods. We do not consider the last kind of composition further here since it should be well-known from programming languages in general. However, in the following we will cover part-whole hierarchies.
+++?important to be aware that they are two different conceptual means – the one cannot replace the other and vice versa.
The language mechanism to describe part-whole composition is called composite objects. Embedded objects are fixed parts of the composite object, and it has a name that is a constant reference to the object.
In [55] we showed that the combination of embedded objects and nesting as in Beta may be used to inherit/include code from other classes in a form that avoids most of the problems with multiple inheritance. The proposal is thus also an alternative to mixins and traits.
Consider a class Address:
class Address:
street: ref String
streetNo: var integer
town: ref String
country: ref String
An Address may be embedded in a Person object:
class Person:
name: ref String
addr: obj Address
The keyword ref declares an ordinary reference to an object of the class – in the above cases String objects. The keyword obj specifies an embedded object of the class – in this case addr is the name of an Address object being embedded in the holding Person object.
+++ eventuelt
Virtual classes
In some cases the concept represented by a class is a concept where the phenomena consist of a sets/structures of phenomena (and their concepts) that are defined in the context of the main concept. We have seen that this is covered by nesting, i.e. defining objects/classes in the context of an object/class. We say that description of these object/classes are nested within the description of the outer object/class.
We also have cases where the nested classes have to extended in subclasses of the enclosing class. This calls for the notion of virtual classes; they are similar to virtual methods. The properties of objects of a virtual class, even if generated as part of activities of the enclosing class, will be the properties of the extended virtual class for the given subclass.
As an example consider the concept of representing expressions as structures of objects representing the various parts of the expression. We call the class representing this concept MetaExpression. For simplicity we just include a subset of what would be in a real meta expression. As the classes have to be extended depending on what we would like to do with expressions, e.g. print or evaluate, we define them as virtual classes:
class MetaExpression
class Expr:< Object
class Constant(val: var Integer):< Expr
class BinaryExpr(left, right: ref Expr):< Expr
class Add:< BinaryExpr
class Mult:< BinaryExpr
Her er en dobbelt virtuel super. Super for Add (og Mult) er BinaryExpr som er virtuel og super for BinaryExpr er Expr som er virtuel
There are two ways of generating an expression, either by a function (makeExpression) or as part of an object of class MetaExpression:
exampleExpression: ref MetaExpression
makeExpression(meta: ref MetaExpression) -> ref meta.Expr:
const1: ref meta.Expr := meta.Constant(-3)
const2: ref meta.Expr := meta.Constant(2)
op1: ref meta.Expr := meta.Mult(const1, const2)
const3: ref meta.Expr := meta.Constant(5)
op2: ref meta.Expr := meta.Add(op1, const3)
return op2
exampleExpression: ref MetaExpression
exp: ref exampleExpression.Expr
exp := makeExpression(exampleExpression)
exampleExpression: obj MetaExpression
const1: ref Expr := Constant(1)
const2: ref Expr := Constant(2)
op1: ref Expr := Mult(const1, const2)
const3: ref Expr := Constant(3)
op2: ref Expr := Add(op1, const3)
expression: ref Expr := op2
The above expression may in qBeta be expressed somewhat simpler:
expression := Add(Mult(Constant(1),Constant(2)),Constant(3))
meta: obj MetaExpression
expr1, expr2: ref meta.Expr
expr1 :=
expr2 :=
If we want to print expression we would need a formating method for each part of the expression. This is done by extending the virtual classes, adding a method format. Note that for the general class Expr this format is defined as a virtual method that is extended in subclasses of Expr:
class ExprFormat: MetaExpression
class Expr::
format -> String:<
class Constant::
return val --??
class BinaryExpr::
return “(” + left.format + operatorSymbol
+ right.format + “)”;
operatorSymbol -> String:<
class Add::
return ‘+’
class Mult::
return ‘*’
meta: ref MetaExpression
meta := MetaExpression
expr1, expr2: ref meta.Expr
expr1 :=
expr2 :=
expr1.format not possible
expr2.format not possible
meta := ExprFormat
expr1 :=
expr2 :=
class Testing:
class Meta:< MetaExpression
metaObj: ref Meta
expr1, expr2: ref Meta.Expr
expr1 :=
MetaExpression.Constant(1), MetaExpression.Constant(2)),
expr2 :=
MetaExpression.Constant(4), MetaExpression.Constant(5)),
formatTesting: obj Testing
Meta:: ExprFormat
evalTesting: obj Testing
Meta:: ExprEval
For evaluating expressions we need to extend class expr with an eval method, and then extend this in the subclasses of Expr:
class ExprEval: MetaExpression
class Expr::
eval -> Integer:<
class Constant::
return val
class Add::
return left.eval + right.eval
class Mult::
return left.eval * right.eval
If just an extension symbol (::) is used, then the extension is simply an extension of the virtual class, just as if the extension was a subclass of the virtual class. This also imply that the properties of the virtual class are visible in the extension. Add and Mult being extensions of BinaryExpr therefore implies that left and right are visible and can be used in eval.
+++ nævne :: <class> ??
Here are some of the basic elements of 2D geometry: points, lines, line segments and angles:
class Point(x,y: var Integer):
distance(another: var Point) -> Real
xDiff: var Integer = this.x - another.x
yDiff: var Integer = this.y - another.y
return sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff)
class Line(p1,p2: var Point):
class LineSegment(p1,p2: var Point):
class Angle (vertex, p1, p2: var Point):
side1, side2: var LineSegment
side1 := LineSegment(vertex, p1)
side2 := LineSegment(vertex, p2)
class Triangle: Shape2D
a,b,c: var Point
class Measures::
return abs(
(a.x * (b.2 – c.y) + b.x * (c.y – a.y) +
c.x * (a.y – b.y)) / 2.0
class Rectangle: Shape2D
topLeft: var Point
height, width: var Real
class Measures::
return height * width
return 2 * height + 2 * width
class Circle: Shape2D
radius: var Real
class Measures::
return PI * radius * radius
return 2.0 * PI * radius
class Movable:
moveTo(to: var Point):<
class Shape:
center: var Point
moving: obj Movable
center := to
origin := Point(0,0)
class Triangle: Shape2D
a,b,c: var Point
return abs(
(a.x * (b.2 – c.y) + b.x * (c.y – a.y) +
c.x * (a.y – b.y)) / 2.0
class Rectangle: Shape2D
topLeft: var Point
height, width: var Real
return 2 * height + 2 * width
return height * width
class Circle: Shape2D
radius: var Real
return 2.0 * PI * radius
return PI * radius * radius
For shapes in 3D the interesting properties are surface and volume, and again, they have in class Shape3D to be defined as virtual methods as these properties depend on the types of shape:
class Shape3D:
surface -> Real:<
volume -> Real:<
class Cylinder: 3dShape
base: var Circle
height: var Real
return 2 * base.area + height * base.perimeter
return base.area * height
Bank System
An attempt to detail subclasses of Account
class Account:
balance: var Real
interestRate: var Real
deposit(amount: var Real):< -- iflg Eiffel.Inheritance er denne
balance := balance + amount -- virtuel og redefineres i
inner -- saving account; lagt ind her
class SavingsAccount: Account
bindingPeriod: var Date -- eller Period?
minimumBalance: var Real -- to avoid monthly fees
-- in addition add interest to balance
balance := balance + interest -- interest to be calculated
+++olm: man adderer vel ikke interest for hver deposit?
+++bmp: sådan forstod jeg eksemplet i Eiffel, men reagerede også
-- needs to check that it is after bindingPeriod
-- but here we do not have virtuals/extension
newBindingPeriod(p: var Data, newInterest: var Real):
bindingPeriod := p
interest := newInterest
class CreditAccount : Account
maxCredit: var Real
overdrawInterest: var Real -- interest for going over maxCredit
changeCredit(newMax: var Real
, newInterest: var Real
, newOverdrawInterest: var Real):
withdraw: -- must also be specialized
class RetirementAccount: SavingsAccount
retirementAge: var Integer -- min age to start payments
lastRetirementAge: var Integer -- latest age to start payments
-- bindingPeriod actually defines retirementAge,
-- so rA may not be needed!?
noOfMonthlyPayOutRates: var integer
-- en pensionsopsparing udbetales typisk i 10 årlige rater
(limit, non-positive, extraInterestRate,
Hvis der i Account findes en virtuel metode, som banken gerne vil have udført for alle deres accounts, da ville vi have et eksempel som svarer til Record, Person, … Det er dog for enkelt bare at summere balance for alle accounts, til det behøver man ikke nogen virtuel.
- GrundKonto
- GrundKonot med kredit
- Lønkonto+ til unge under 18 år
- Kassekredit til unge
- Ungdomskonto 13-17 år
- Juniorkonto 0-12 år
denne her bank har forskellige typer af checking accounts and saving accounts
Eiffel i denne her
bruger Account og SavingsAccount og senere BusinessAccount
University System
class Affiliate:
-- the superclass for employees and students,
but is Affiliate a good name?
++ BMP: nok desværre ikke, men vi kan jo bare bruge Person
class Employee: Affiliate
titel, salary, unit, computeSalary/updateSalary,
class Faculty: Employee -- VIP
research area, publications, addPublication,
courses, researchGroup
class TAP: Employee
tasks, ...
class Student: Affiliate
name: val String måske i Affiliate
studId: val integer
coursesTaken: obj List(Course)
coursesFailed: obj List(Course)
coursesActive: obj List(Course)
passed(C: ref Course):
enrollments: obj Set(Enrollment)
+++ BMP: dette er ikke noget jeg har fundet på, taget fra nettet
det er det ord som bruges, og grade er typisk der
signUpForCourse(c: ref Course, s: var Semester):
c.enroll(this(Student), s)
class Enrollment(s: ref Student, c: ref Course, s: var Semester):
grade: var Character -- A-F +++ kan osgå være A+, mm.
class Course:
ECTS: val Integer
teacher: ref Faculty -- måske Set(Faculty)
required: obj Set(Course)
students: obj Set(Enrollment)
enroll(stud: ref Student, sem: var Semester):
-- Check if required courses have been passed
er : ref Enrollment
ok: var boolean
ok := true
for each required course rc in required
for each enrollment er in stud.enrollments
if not(er.has(rc)) then ok:= false
if (er.grade = 'F') then ok:= false
if ok then
students.insert(Enrollment(stud, this(Course), sem)
+++ enroll er desværre ikke nogen virtuel metode
+++BMP: med disse subklasser har vi 3 levels, men ingen virtuel!
class Bachelor: Student
requiredECTS var Integer
project: ref BachelorProject
dateOfDegree: var Date
class Master: Student
requiredECTS var Integer
project: ref MasterProject
bachelorDegree: ref Bachelor
class PhD: Student
project: ref PhDProject
masterDegree: ref Master
Fra Xiaoping Jia
Student, course, bachelor, candidate, PhD, Examines (characters, ‘A’, .., ‘F’)
Xiaoping Jia: OO software development using Java
EBookstore, Estore, DigitalStore
I: Item
quantity: var integer
BlueJ: They start with an example of a social media for displaying Posts.
The hierarchy is as follows:
They also shortly mention the Mammal, Animal, etc example.
And shortly a game example (from chap 8) with Room, TransporterRoom.
In chap. 16 BlueJ has an example of a taxi company
We may add limosine as a subclass.
It would be nice if there are subclasses of one or more of Taxi, Shuttle and Limosine.
BlueJ also has a simulation and/or spottings of populations of rabbits and foxes.
Vehicle licenseFee
a la dimension/units
class Insurance:
customer: ref Person
premium: var Real
kmLimit: var Real
noOfDays: var Integer -- number of days the vehicle
-- has been insured this year
class Vehicles:
noOfVehicles: var Integer
feeRate: var Real
-- alternativt kan man lage en virtuel klasse:
class VehicleInsurance:< Insurance -- demonstrerer qualification
-- af virtuelle
kmLimit: var Real
noOfDays: var Integer -- number of days the vehicle
-- has been insured this year
class Vehicle(licenseNumber: ref String)
weight: var Integer
ins: ref Insurance
fee: var Real
inner(licenseFee) -- calculate fee for different Vehicles
-- add fee to insurance premium
ins.premium := ins.premium + fee
noOfVehicles := noOfVehicles + 1
class Car: Vehicle
motorBikes: obj Vehicles
class BikeInsurance: Insurance
... --- kan det bruges til noget fornuftig?
class VehicleInsurance::
class MotorBike: Vehicle
fee := feeRate*ins.noOfDays
fuelCars: obj Vehicles
weightLimit: var Integer
lightCarFee, heavyCarFee: var Real
class FuelCarInsurance: Insurance
... --- kan det bruges til noget fornuftig?
class VehicleInsurance::
class FuelCar: Car
if (weight > weightLimit) :then
fee := heavyCarFee*ins.noOfDays
fee := lightCarFee*ins.noOfDays
electricCars: obj Vehicles
class ElectricCarInsurance: Insurance
... --- kan det bruges til noget fornuftig?
class VehicleInsurance::
class ElectricCar: Car
fee := feeRate*ins.noOfDays
taxis: obj Vehicles
class TaxiInsurance: Insurance
... --- kan det bruges til noget fornuftig?
class VehicleInsurance::
class Taxi: Car
fee := feeRate*ins.noOfDays
Every year the rates are changed, the figures are for2023:
taxies.feeRate := 1,42
motorBikes.feeRate := 6,10
fuelCars.weightLimit := 7500
fuelCars.lightCarFee := 8,38
fuelCars.heavyCarFee := 9,84
electricCars.feeRate := 8,38
class VehicleRegister:
registrations: obj Set(Registration)
class Registration:
theVehicle: ref Vehicles.Vehicle
theOwner: ref Customer
registerTaxi(owner: ref Customer, licenseNo: ref String):
reg: ref Registration
reg := Registration
reg.theVehicle := taxies.Taxi(licenseNo) -- remote classes
number of taxies: taxies.noOfVehicles
number of motor bikes: motorbikes.noOfVehi
Instead of a Vehicle Registration System, we may use a Vehicle Rental System, which perhaps have more methods? Da slipper vi at forholde os til hvordan licenseFee beregnes.
Record, Person, Employee, Student, Book
Organization: Company,
Figure, Polygon, Circle, Square, Rectangle, Rombe, …
Library, Book, Fiction, Non-fiction, ScienceFiction, Novels, Poem, ShortStory, Person, Loan,
Publications, EndNote, Journal, Conference, TechnicalReport, Book,
Kirkerud: Place, MountainTop, House, Town, DetachedHouse, OfficeBuilding
Kirkerud indfører syntax diagrams (side 26) fra starten
Budd (187-206): Super:CardPile, sub:SuitPile, DeckPile, DiscardPile, TableauPile, …
It is a quite complex and big example that will tale time to understand and probably too big for this chapter. But might be a candidate for a large example!?
Rumbaugh: super:Equipment, sub:Pump, HeatExchanger, Tank, Centrifugal Pump, …, SphericalTank, …
Animal, Mammal, Cat, Dog, … — men hvad skal det bruges til?
let a = 7, and b = 8 in (a < b) <= ( a = b) and (a > b)
[a,b] (a < b) <= ( a = b) and (a > b) [13,45]
Settlement may include hamlets, villages, towns and cities.
class Settlement: Graph
house:< ...
road: ...
noOfInhabitants: var integer
name: var String
class Village: Settlement
house:: ... ?
Adresser, stoppesteder, bus/trick/ruter, ruteplanlægning, …
Biler, addresser, …,
Offentlig transport
Gå, cykle, …,
Travel leg, …
class Country:
class Route:
stops: obj list(Links)
class BusStop: -- Node
loc: ref Location/Address
class Link: -- Link / Leg
start,end: ref BusStop
distance: var Real
class Graph:
class Node:<
firstEdge: ref Edge
insertEdgeTo(to: ref Node)-> ref Edge:
class Edge:<
from, to: ref Node
nextEdge: ref Edge;
class RoadAndCityGraph: Graph
class Node::<
cityName: ref String
... name of the city
class Edge::<
roadLength: var Integer
... length of the road