5.4 Composite values


In the previous chapters, we have introduced objects and classes for representing physical entities like accounts and customers; we have introduced references to objects, primitive values like float, integer, char, Boolean, and String for representing properties of physical entities, like owner, balance, and interestRate – cf. section .

In some cases primitive value types are not adequate for the types of data items. In a domain where e.g. date (in terms of year, month and day) and time of day (in terms of hour, minute, second) are required to represent values of properties, we need composite values in order to represent these properties.

It is important here to notice that objects and values are different entities – objects have state that may vary over time whereas values are timeless abstractions – we discuss this further in section .

We do, however, need objects to implement values, but such objects differ from objects representing physical entities. Objects representing values are called value objects, and a class defining value objets is called a value type or just a type.

In the United States the notation for date and time differs from most of the rest of the world. In the US a date is written as month-day-year whereas the rest of the world use day-month-year. A time of day in the USA is written using a 12-hour clock and the suffixes a.m. and p.m. In addition, many other formats are used like year-mont-day. In the examples below, we just represent dates and time of days that may be in either US-notation og non-US notation.

In qBeta a value type is defined by means of a class with the Value as superclass. Value is actually the name of a class and we explain how this works in section . For now, just think of Value as a keyword like class.

Date and TimeOfDay as special Value types
class Date(year, month, day: var Integer): Value
   setFormat(asUS: var Boolean):
      useUSformat := US
   asString -> S: var String:
   useUSformat: var Boolean

class TimeOfDay(hour, minute, second: var Integer): Value
   setFormat(asUS: var Boolean):
      useUSformat := US
   asString -> S: var String:
   useUSformat: var Boolean

Date has data items year, month, day. November 11, 1949 will therefore be represented by a Date value with year = 1949, month = 11 and day = 11, i.e Date(1949, 11, 11).

In addition, class Date has:

  • a Boolean useUSFormat, representing whether or not to use US notation when displaying the Datetrue, US-notation is used – and since a Boolean variable by default is false, non-US notation is the default;
  • a method setFormat that may be used to set the format;
  • a method asString that returns a String representing the Date in either US-notation or non-US-notation.

Class TimeOfDay has a similar structure and TimeOfDay(1,2,3) represents the time of day being 1 hour, 2 minutes and 3 seconds.

The following example illustrates the difference between references (to objects) and values. We have added a Date property customerSince to Customer:

class Customer(name: var String):
   addr: var String         
   email: var String
   customerSince: var Date

In a similar way, we have also added a data-item, creationDate of type Date to Account:

class Account(owner: ref Customer):
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float
   creationDate: var Date

The diagram below illustrates the difference between a reference data-item (owner) and value data-items (creationDate, customerSince).


As can be seen, owner refers to a separate Customer object.

The primitive value data-items balance, and interestRate are shown embedded in the Account object. The same is the case for the String values in Customer.

The composite value object creationDate is also embedded in the Account object since it is a sole property of the Account object. It is not possible for other objects to have a reference to such a value object. This is an important distinction between objects and values.

Another example using composite values

In the following we have another example of using composite values. In the bank domain, each account keeps track of transactions with information about date and time of the transaction, and what kind of transaction (like deposit and withdraw). This information is important for the bank, and for the customer in order to check what kind of transaction was done when. A transaction is represented by instances of class Transaction:

class Transaction(
   what: var String, 
   whichDate: var Date,
   whichTime: var TimeOfDay,
   whichAmount: var float):

The three dots '...' indicates possible additional attributes of class Transaction, but in the examples in this book, we only make use of the attributes defined as parameters.

We add a Set-object, transactions, to keep track of the transactions on an Account. The methods addInterest, deposit, and withdraw add transaction objects to this set:

class Account(owner: ref Customer):
   balance: var float
   interestRate: var float
   transactions: obj Set(Transaction)
      interest: var (balance * interestRate) / 100
      balance := balance + interest
         Transaction("interest", clock.today, clock.now, interest))
   deposit(amount: var float):
      balance := balance + amount
         Transaction("deposit", clock.today, clock.now, amount))
   withdraw(amount: var float) -> newB: var float:
      balance:= balance - amount
         Transaction("withdraw", clock.today, clock.now, amount))
      newB := balance