5.1.1-old Reference assignment and comparison

Here we will summarise assignment of references in general and also describe comparison of references. We use class Customer for the example and we use the following demo object:

aClerk: obj
   JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
   LizaJonesProfile: obj Customer("Liza Jones")
   customerA, customerB: ref Customer
   customerA := JohnSmithProfile
   customerB := LizaJonesProfile 
   customerA := customerB

Figure 5.1.1 Customer references

In the above example, we have two Customer objects JohnSmithProfile and LizaJonesProfile, and two reference variables customerA and customerB. The following snaphots illustrates the effect of reference assignments.

The first snapshot shows the situation after generation of aClerk – marked by the red arrow (–>). Here JohnSmithsProfile refers to Customer("John Smith") and LizaJonesProfile refers to Customer("Liza Jones"). The reference variable customerA and customerB are both none:

 aClerk: obj
    JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
    LizaJonesProfile: obj Customer("Liza Jones")
    customerA, customerB: ref Customer
--> customerA := JohnSmithProfile
    customerB := LizaJonesProfile 
    customerA := customerB


Snapshot A

The next snapshot shows the situation after the assignment customerB := LizaJonesProfile. As can be seen, customerB and LizaJonesProfile now both refer to the same object:

 aClerk: obj
    JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
    LizaJonesProfile: obj Customer("Liza Jones")
    customerA, customerB: ref Customer
    customerA := JohnSmithProfile
    customerB := LizaJonesProfile 
--> customerA := customerB


Snapshot B

The final snapshot shows the situation after execution of customerA := customerB. As can be seen, customerA and customerB now both refer to LizaJonesProfile.

 aClerk: obj
    JohnSmithProfile: obj Customer("John Smith")
    LizaJonesProfile: obj Customer("Liza Jones")
    customerA, customerB: ref Customer
    customerA := JohnSmithProfile
    customerB := LizaJonesProfile 
    customerA := customerB


Snapshot C


We may also compare references using = (equality) and <> (inequality).

Below, we show the value of some reference expressions using = (equality) and <> (inequality) at Snapshot B and Snapshot C above.

For the situation at Snapshot B above, we have the following:

Og her bruges kommentarer næste gang

JohnSmithProfile = LizaSmithProfile    -- false, they refer to different objects 
JohnSmithProfile <> LizaSmithProfile   -- true, they refer to the same object
JohnSmithProfile = customerA           -- true, they refer to the same object
JohnSmithProfile <> customerB          -- false, they refer to different objects

The first comment -- false, they refer to different objects is meant to say that the expression JohnSmithProfile = LizaSmithProfile evaluates to the value false.

The situation at Snapshot C after the assignment customerA := customerB is as follows:

JohnSmithProfile = customerA   -- false
customerA = customerB          -- true
LizaJonesProfile = customerA   -- true

Assignment between data items being references is called reference assignment and comparison of references is called reference comparison.

Reference assignment and reference comparison is fundamentally different from assignment between data items representing values.

The withdraw method has a statement:

newB := balance

Here the value hold by balance is copied to newB, which then holds the same value as balance. The data items newB and balance are not references to some objects. As we shall se in section X, they are a special kind of objects called value objects that may represent values – in section , we describe value assignment and value comparison.

Type rule

As shown above, we may assign a reference to a Customer object to a reference variable that has the type Customer. It is not possible to assign a reference to an Account object to the reference variable aCustomer.

In general the type of an expression in an assignment must be the same as the type of the reference variable being assigned to. This is also the case for passing an expression as an argument to a parameter of a method being a reference.

The above rule does also apply to comparisons using = (equality) and <> (inequality) where both arguments must be of the same type

Consider the following example:

aCustomerA, aCustomerB: ref Customer
anAccountA, anAccountB: ref Account
B: var Boolean
aCustomerA := Customer("John Smith")   -- legal
anAccountA := Account(aCustomerA)      -- legal
aCustomerA := anAccountA               -- illegal 
anAccountB := Account(anAccountA)      -- illegal 
B := aCustomerA = aCustomerB           -- legal
B := aCustomerA <> anAccountA          -- illegal

The assignment anAccountB := Account(anAccountA) is illegal since the owner parameter of Account is of type Customer whereas the argument anAccountA is of type Account.

The purpose of the type rule is two fold: from a programming and modeling point of view it does not make sense to allow assignments like aCustomerA := anAccountA.

Secondly the type rule is necessary to prevent errors at run-time. Assume that we allow the assignment then we may write code as

aCustomerA := anAccountA

This does not makes sense since a Customer object does not have an addAccount method.

In chapter , we extend the type rule for assignment, parameter transfer and comparison.

Parameter passing

Passing a parameter as part of a method invocation or class invocation is similar to assignment in the sense that the actual parameter is assigned to the formal parameter of the method or class respectively. This also means that the type rules for parameter passing is the same as the type rule for assignment.